10 Summer Activities To Look Forward To When You Need Some Finals Week Motivation
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10 Summer Activities To Look Forward To When You Need Some Finals Week Motivation

Because it's closer than you think.

10 Summer Activities To Look Forward To When You Need Some Finals Week Motivation
Penn State

The school year is dwindling down to just a few short weeks, and we all know that the final week will be the worst of all. While the flowers and warm sun are peaking out to lift our spirits, the promise of all-nighters and countless exams keeps them lower than ever. The only thing getting me through this impending week of doom is the promise of what will come soon after: summer. After months of crazy, mostly freezing weather, here are some things that you might have forgotten are underway this summer. Hopefully these activities will lift your spirits more than the spring air has.

1. Time for tan lines

Remember those? In my last few months of snow white complexion I almost forgot that they were even a thing. However, in a few weeks the hot sun will come to visit, we will break out our cutest swimsuits, and we will do some baking. It's about time, too. My white legs at the gym are starting to blind people.

2. Spontaneous ice cream cones

The winter season certainly hasn't stopped me from eating ice cream way more than I probably should, but there still isn't anything like a half-melted ice cream cone on a hot summer day. It may be the little chubby 9-year-old inside of me, but I can't think of summer without thinking of the spontaneous trips to the Dairy Point. Can I get a crunch coat?

3. All-night bonfires

The best nights are always spent sitting around the fire with your friends and family cracking jokes and roasting some marshmallows. Honestly, no amount of mosquito bites will ever keep me away from a good bonfire, and I'm highly allergic. There's just something about staring into the deep orange fire with your best friend on one side and your dog on the other that takes all of your cares away.

4. Country concerts

Especially if you're from Cincinnati and have had the privilege of going to a country concert at Riverbend Music Center, then you definitely know what I'm talking about. There's nothing like an outdoor country concert right next to the river to remind you of your roots. I will sometimes go to an artist's concert who I barely listen to just so that I don't miss the opportunity to dance in the hot sun with my friends and 300+ other strangers. I mean, you can't beat that.

5. Boating, fishing, and loving every day

Being on the water is an entirely different world -- and if you ask me, it's a better one. I would take a day spent reeling in some Blue Gill or tubing behind the boat over doing just about anything. With the radio turned up, a can of Pringles and the summer sun coming down, what more could you ask for?

6. Hitting the beach

If you like piña coladas, and not getting caught in the rain, then you probably also have a good time at the beach. I was born into a family of "beach people" who could spend all day every day laying out on the sand. That is why every year I get so overly-excited for our one week family getaway to paradise. Just thinking of having my toes in the water and butt in the sand has already reduced my stress level by at least 25 percent.

7. Laying by the pool

Because we all have that friend that we sort of use for their pool access! Not only is it great for our tan, but it's an opportunity to revert back to our childhood days of handstand competitions and seeing who can hold their breath the longest. I would be lost without the occasional pool day, so if you're that friend and you're reading this, hit me up!

8. Riding with the windows down

The hallmark of summertime. Cue the Jack Johnson and take me back to that! No matter what your hair looks like when you get there, or how chilly the whipping wind is actually making you during the drive, having the windows down is always a must.

9. Being a happy camper

It may be just me, but I can't go without at least one weekend of camping each summer. Whether you are a frequent tent camper or you like to kick it RV style, just the concept of camping is a dose of freeing fun that we all could use. We all know that eggs taste better on that little camping grill and hot dogs taste better over the fire, so why not rough it for a few days? The bottom line is that camping equals happiness, therefor I am always a happy camper.

10. Saying goodbye to responsibilities

Sayonara, suckers! While many people (including me) will have internships or jobs to go home to after concluding their semesters, we all know that that level of responsibility can't compare to the one you're currently taking on. I'm talking no tests to study for, no pop quizzes, and for heavens sakes, no group projects. With summer comes the freedom to not think at all, and I might just take advantage of that.

I hope that this list has lightened your anxiety, if even just the slightest bit. There still is a large hurdle between us and the summer nights we long for, but if we just keep looking ahead we will clear it. Whether you have six finals or one, just keep in mind that you will make it through them, and at the end of that long, dark tunnel is a light -- the light of summer. Just wait for it, it will be totally worth it.

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