A 10 Step Guide To A College Introvert’s Best Friday Ever
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A 10 Step Guide To A College Introvert’s Best Friday Ever


A 10 Step Guide To A College Introvert’s Best Friday Ever

This past Friday, I decided to treat myself for making it through the third week of classes. Being the introvert that I am, I draw energy from being alone, so what better way to treat myself than being dropped off at a shopping center and doing whatever my heart pleased for the entire evening?!

Step 1: Go to a coffee shop and do work

Okay… work’s not exactly my favorite thing, but it’s college and work never stops. So, to make said work better, find a coffee shop that just so happens to have ambient music and a sale for free lattes (shoutout to Hot Cakes!).

Please tell me I'm not the only one who things that the feeling of checking things off your to-do list is somehow one of the best feelings ever.

Step 2: Go to a bookstore and look at all the books

There’s something so whimsical about bookstores. There are all these books hanging out with mysteries and adventures waiting to be discovered. Also, so many pretty books! Whoever says they don’t judge books by their covers are liars.

Step 3: Find books and read them

One of my favorite things to do in a bookstore is to read a little bit of it in store to find out if it’s worth buying. Books aren’t cheap and I’m not looking to spend $10-20 on a mediocre read. What’s the solution? Read a bit of the book to get a feel for it.

Step 4: Go to a craft store (or any store that fits your hobbies)

So, I love crafting/writing/scrapbooking. Therefore, Michaels speaks to my soul. And, it just so happened to be right beside the bookstore I was at, so there was no way I wasn’t going to stop in. Little did I know that they’d have a sale on washi tapes and I’d find myself cross-legged on the floor for fifteen minutes emptying a whole shelf to see all the different patterns they had. I was a very happy girl.

Step 5: Grab the dinner that speaks to your soul

This particular Friday it was a bit chilly out, but still nice enough that I wanted to sit outside. Luckily for me, Panera had outdoor seating and warm soup. This was probably my favorite part of my night because I found a seat facing a water fountain and there was a cute corgi puppy at the table beside me. Most of all, it let me sit and think. With school and clubs and living in a house with 7 other girls, it can be hard for me to find quiet time, which, like all my fellow introverts know, is essential for us to remain sane.

Step 6: Do something you normally wouldn't do

What?! Crazy, I know. However, sometimes I find that I stick to doing what I’m comfortable with, and while that’s fine and dandy, I think that I tend to limit myself.

In my case, I went shoe shopping (which I despise). While this won’t really equate to any new hobby, I wasted a solid 15 minutes trying on 4 inch heels whilst also trying not to break an ankle, and it wasn’t too awful.

Step 7: Learn something

I did learn a few things on my shoe shopping escapade. First, shoes are ridiculously expensive. Second, kids shoes (which are the shoes that my size 4 feet fit into) are not cute and way too expensive. Third, I confirmed that shoe shopping is not my thing, and next time I have free time, do not use said time at a shoe store.

Step 8: Get ice cream

This step really doesn’t need explaining. Whenever ice cream is available, get it. I opted for Ben and Jerry’s Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz and I was not disappointed.

Step 9: Appreciate your surroundings

I love to slow down and appreciate everything that God has made, but unfortunately life gets going and plates start spinning and the little things get overshadowed. I’m guilty of this every day.

When you don’t have a particular place to be and the plates pause ever so slightly, slow down and pay attention to what’s around you.

After I got off the bus from the shopping center, I decided to walk past the piece of the Berlin Wall that UVa has in its central grounds. It’s always there, and whenever I walk past it I think “Hey, that’s part of the Berlin Wall.” But it never really hits me that that wall is such a huge part of human history. I am so blessed to go to a school that acquired it and has it available for everyone to see, but I take it for granted.

Step 10: Hunker down for the night

Now that I'm back home, I’m exhausted. Being out and about all day takes some energy. I’m ready to relax. After changing into pajamas, making a cup of steaming hot tea, and grabbing a book, it’s time to climb into bed and read until I fall asleep.

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