10 Signs You're the Shy Single Friend
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10 Signs You're the Shy Single Friend

Don't mind me, just blushing like an idiot!

10 Signs You're the Shy Single Friend
Jennings Wire

We've all been there, when someone in the room catches your eye and instantly your mood changes. You have no idea where your confidence just went and why all of a sudden you become tongue-tied. You start overthinking your every move. You can honestly barely breathe at this point. If you've made eye-contact, forget about it...your brain already sent you into panic mode. The typical routine for every anxious, hormone-raging person, but here are the 10 signs you bring it to the next level as the shy friend.

1. The minute your brain registers someone attractive, it's like you've never talked to the opposite sex before

Don't mind me, just blushing like an idiot and trying to figure out why you make me so nervous. It's like I'm trying to talk to my celebrity crush for Pete's sake. Your friends probably give you pep talks before you go up to try and talk, but you still blow it. At this point it's entertaining for everyone else.

2. You've been pushed into numerous people by your friends to talk

Me: "Ladies, please look at that guy. Sheesh. So cute."

Friends: "Go talk to him, what are you waiting for!!!"

Me: "It's fine guys, he's really not THAT cute"

Friends: "Riiiight okay.. shut up and go talk." *shoves me into the back of the guy*

3. Your friends know his life story the minute you say you're into it

You really have to appreciate your gal pals. You look over and the next thing you know they're years deep in his quirky 2006 pictures, explaining to you why you'd make a great couple.

Friends: "Okay so here's what we've got for you: single ready to mingle, awesome family, very active, cute butt, OH HE LIKES TO DANCE YOU TWO ARE PERFECT"

Me: "Guys, what I said he was cute a minute ago?!"

4. You catch yourself backing up as you talk

Sometimes you feel yourself wanting to run, but you don't want to look like a crazy person, so you do the next best thing slowly fall back as you're talking. "Wow, it was so nice talking to you, ya let's totally keep in touch!" ..As you try to get out of there as quickly as possible.

5. You practice some things to say, but it never goes as smoothly as you'd planned

You immediately say something stupid and almost feel like you might as well just shoot the finger guns and see yourself out.

6. You've heard the saying, "what's the worst thing that can happen?" more times than you can count

I always respond with the most dramatic answers. "Like I don't know guys, what if he has a really cool girlfriend, who is drop-dead gorgeous or what if he's a serial killer! I'm just going to pass on this one, because you know I value my life, bye"

7. After you didn't talk to that person you think about it for days

You're up in the mirror the reminding yourself who the hell you are because you're a straight catch and someone would be lucky to talk to you. But, it's cool he's just one fish in a big sea...but also, like what if that was the love of my life? Lol jokes.

8. The little things make you so proud of yourself

You're sprinting up to your friends to say make them aware you just talked to your "boyfriend," which they all know is the one you've been obsessing over. Even just squeezing in that hello, is some solid groundwork. Oh, hey guys no big deal but I'm one step closer to marriage because I just brushed arms with my man.

9. The minute the situation gets too real you're ready to abort

You've talked up a big game to your friends about this hot guy and the minute he becomes easily accessible to actually talk you've found every reason to distract your friends. "Guys, fun fact, did you know there are male and female peppers?!"

10. You secretly hope one day someone will make this shyness disappear

Hey, prince charming, where ya at because I'm not down with these dating apps and I'm getting tired of choking on my words. If someone could just put in all the work first and make me comfortable that would be great. Looking forward to it, but for now, I'll continue to blush and hide.

If you're the shy single one of the group, don't stress. There's nothing wrong with being a little timid. Laugh at your awkward moments, they make for good stories and serve as good learning moments. So what, you might not be the boldest of the group, but one day someone will love that about you. Until then, shoot those finger guns with pride!

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