10 Signs To Know You Have Feelings For Someone
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10 Signs You Are Catching Feelings More Often Than Colds

I catch feelings like colds and cough up my heart.

10 Signs You Are Catching Feelings More Often Than Colds

1. You are genuinely intrigued by them.

This does not include physical features, however, I am a sucker for beautiful eyes and a lovely smile. People with a sense of mystery to them are the most addicting because you want to know more and more. You listen to the words they say, you observe how they act around others- around you. You yearn to know what causes them to tick the way they do. You want to understand them. To accomplish such a task, you need to converse with them; get to know them. At the same time, open up and let them know you too.

SEE ALSO: I'm Crushing On A Guy, But I'm Scared To Show Him I'm Interested Without Knowing How He Feels

2. You do silly things with each other.

Surely by now, you two have chatted enough to build some kind of foundation. You probably have nicknames for each other and inside jokes that only you find comical. Eventually, you get to the point that sharing embarrassing stories is a usual conversation and not only that, but you're creating your own stories as well. For instance, running down the streets pretending your flannel shirt is a cape while they stare at you amused. Yes, this is my personal example.

Do you feel a tingle in your throat when they make you laugh? They did this to you. They are singing all of the tunes that you are afraid to listen to. You are terrified because the music has always died, but your rhythm is still beating- breathing. You can hear theirs too.

3. They are the first person you want to talk to.

Had a bad day? You call them. Had a good day? Shoot them a text. The best part is when they reciprocate and do the same thing to you. They trust you, they enjoy talking to you, and most importantly, they value your opinion. It will even come to the point that you look over your shoulder to see if they are laughing when you tell a joke.

Let's be honest here: Sometimes, you may even text them because you are merely bored… or, at least, that is what you claim. Bored simply means “I was busy thinking about you." You know it's true. I know it's true. THEY know it's true. But if you ever decide to be ballsy, tell them you miss them, and maybe, just maybe, they'll miss you too.

4. You analyze everything you say and do around them.

“Should I wear this? Or this? What was his favorite color? Would he think this was lame? I sound like an idiot, don't I? Sh*t. Is the smiley emoji too much? He seems uninterested. This just got awkward. What if he never speaks to me again?"

Admit it. You have all had thoughts like these. For those of you who haven't, I applaud you.

5. You see them everywhere.

All of your loves before them have left a precedent in your heart, and now you see them in every person you grow to care for. Honestly, it's hard to forget the ghosts of the past; sometimes impossible. But my god, when someone new walks into your life, they are all you think about. When you see their favorite food at the grocery store, you will think of them. When that one song comes on the radio, you will hear their name stitched in the lyrics. You will see them at every place you two have explored- even when they are not there. I hope you've made enough room in your skull: they are moving into your thoughts.

6. You witness them at their worst and stay.

It takes a little more than a breakdown to scare most off. Some run for the hills when they acknowledge even an ounce of instability, but some cling to it. They hold their pieces together and give them their own to fill the void. This is not stupidity or bravery; this is compassion.

7. You start choosing them over sleep.

I love sleep just as much as the next person, but if I am willing to sacrifice my restful dreams to chat with a guy, they must hold a very high importance in my book. Yes, I may pass out with the phone clutched in my hand, but I will do whatever it takes to talk to him. I know what it's like to be forced to have conversations with the stars and no one to really listen, so I will lend him my ear and pray he does the same. I need someone to talk to too.

8. Your body goes haywire.

Can you feel the wind in your stomach? Who knew butterflies could brew a storm. Do you feel the way your heart climbs up your ribs and up to your throat? You want to tell them, but you can't get yourself to spit out the words.

9. Fear creeps in.

You are not afraid to confess; you are terrified that they will leave like everyone you have ever loved. You feel like when you tell them that they make you happy, it will tie their heart to yours leaving a trail of gasoline. You are so used to being set on fire. I am sorry for the flames you have endured.

10. You wonder if they feel the exact same way.

You will never know until you ask.

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