10 Reasons First-Year Students are Freaking Out
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10 Reasons First-Year Students are Freaking Out

Ways to Calm Your Pre-College Nerves

10 Reasons First-Year Students are Freaking Out
Marshallmashup "The Final Summer"

Congratulations class of 2016, you did it! Now what? Many of us have found that the summer of 2016 has us high school graduates both excited and scared for what's next: College. Whether it's wondering how to get from one end of campus to the other or praying you don't gain the freshman 15, it would be a lie to say that we aren't nervous. I've created a list of the top 10 reasons most of us are worried, and ways to put those nerves at ease.

1. Having a roommate

Not only is our dorm room the size of a shoe box, but we will be sharing it with a complete stranger. We've all heard roommate horror stories from friends and family. They could be weird, messy, or completely crazy. Movies such as "The Roommate" have first year students fearing for their lives. Odds are, your roommate will be normal. They don't have to be your best friend, but it's good to make sure you and your roommate get along. Remember to communicate when you have an issue and in extreme cases talk to your RA to help find a resolution.

2. Making Friends

Whether you're going to a local college or moving miles away, you and your high school friends will probably go your separate ways. It's hard because most of us have had the same friend group for years, do we even remember how to make friends? Getting involved in clubs and going to college events will ensure that you meet a ton of new people. It's likely that these could be your lifelong friends. Remember to smile and that it's a fresh start, nobody knows you.

3. Still Being Undecided

Being asked what we want to be when we grow up used to be fun. We used to be able to imagine endless possibilities. Well now we are grown-up and more than half of us still have no clue what we want to do. If this is your worry then join a lot of clubs and take a variety of classes. Find a passion and stick with it. Remember that it's your life and you still can do what you want with it.

4. The Size of the Dorm Room

If you had the opportunity to look inside of a standard dorm room at orientation, you panicked. Where was all of your stuff going to fit? Not to mention having to share half of the space with a roommate. Thank goodness bed-lofting exists. Remember to only pack seasonally, bring summer and fall clothes at first and exchange them for winter clothes during fall break.

5. Moving Away From Parents

Even if you are not close to your parents, we all have to admit that we will miss them. We will miss our dad's corny jokes, our mom's amazing advice, and just the comfort of knowing they're one room over. Fortunately for us, technology means we can FaceTime mom and ask her if our outfit is okay. We can text dad during the big home game and let him know we are winning. We can even have them SnapChat pictures of our dog. Remember that it's okay to be homesick and that a phone call home can help us feel much better.

6. Forgetting to Pack Something

There's no way that we will remember everything to bring to college. We dread the moment that we realize we've forgotten something so small yet so essential. There's usually a Wal-Mart or Target somewhere near campus. If not, check out the campus store, you'd be surprised what they have. Remember to check with your college, most have suggestions and checklists on things to bring.

7. The Freshman 15

We've all witnessed it. The freshman 15. It makes sense considering most college students pride themselves on living off of ramen noodles and coffee, but this fear is something none of us want to live out. Check out your school's gym and get on a meal plan. Getting proper nutrition and staying active is key. Choose to walk to classes instead of taking the bus or driving and don't take advantage of being able to eat ice cream for dinner. Remember that the freshman 15 only gets you if you let it!

8. Performing Basic Tasks

I'll admit, I had never done a load of laundry until this summer. Some of us may have had parents who gave us chores but we will probably find that we don't know how to do some extremely basic things. This includes but is not limited to; hanging up our towels, grocery shopping, banking, and folding clothes. WikiHow has a tutorial for literally everything. If all else fails, remember that there's always a first time for everything and to bring your laundry home on the holidays.

9. Affording College

College is expensive. From tuition to buying your own groceries, our bank accounts are about to plummet. Find a part-time job on or off campus, a lot of businesses want to hire college students. Also, don't stop looking for scholarships! Some scholarships are still available for high school graduates. Many colleges have personal money management centers, if money is really stressing you out, set up an appointment. Remember to have fun while you're at college, the cost of college shouldn't consume your every thought.

10. Hours of Studying

The "real" reason we're at college. It can't be avoided, there will be nights that we will have endless hours of studying. Caffeine and prayers will get you through this! Take good notes in class and don't study unless it is effective. Staring at a textbook for hours will get you nowhere. Find a comfortable place, not in your room, and study for an hour then take a break. Studying isn't so bad if you're studying in a big group or in a relaxed coffee shop with a Frappuccino in hand. I personally prefer to reward myself with Netflix. 20 minutes of studying equals five minutes of "Dexter." You could even reward yourself with food, 20 minutes equals one cookie. Remember that nobody likes studying, but it has to be done.

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