The 10 Problems With Texting That Ruins Relationships
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The 10 Problems With Texting That Ruins Relationships

Sometimes things just come across the wrong way.

The 10 Problems With Texting That Ruins Relationships
Public Domain Archive

Several times throughout my day, I find myself thinking, "I really hate texting" and here are some of the reasons why:

1. Miscommunication kills

Although most miscommunication can be cleared with a quick phone call, it is often not settled in that way. Instead, we generally decide to handle it with more texts that often turn passive aggressive and just plain sassy. When tone and body language aren't able to be detected, things can often be taken the wrong way. I honesty can't tell you how many arguments - large and small - have happened simply due to miscommunication over text.

2. Sarcasm is often undetected

Are you a sarcastic? Because so am I, and I HATE when it's hard to tell sarcasm through texting. My friends are continually unable to tell if I am being sarcastic or genuine. I'm sure it bothers them just as much as it does me, therefore sarcasm is generally a no-go when it comes to texting.

3. Autocorrect can make things awkward

Sending a quick text and not taking a second look can most definitely leave the party you're conversing with a bit confused. Autocorrect has a way of making things super awkward at times whether it capitalizes a word that you once sent in an angry message or it doesn't recognize a name or slang word and it tries to "correct" your spelling. Either way, autocorrect generally tends to cause more confusion than correction.

4. Many choose to hide behind their phones

A number of people use texting as a substitute for face to face conversations and even allow for serious discussions to take place over this channel of communication. I believe that when this occurs, it takes away from the seriousness of the given situation while emotionally degrading the overall exchange.

5. Texting & speaking to someone are completely different

Texting can change how you feel about someone whether it enhances or depreciates feelings towards them. Many of us tend associate feelings a person has for us or vise versa with response time to our texts. When we do this, it makes it difficult to determine the overall quality of a conversation - or lack thereof - through texting alone.

6. Accidents happen

Although there are many distractions that phones offer, texting plays the largest role in taking our attention away from our surroundings. These distractions can often lead to mishaps where people run into each other, various structures and can even cause casualties if driving. Way too often do people injure or embarrass themselves all simply because they're distracted by texting.

7. Ignoring people has becomes easier

When we get mad at people, or simply not feel like speaking to them, we dismiss a text until later and explain how we were "so busy". This causes strain on all types of relationships due to the uncertainty if we are being ignored or if the other person is actually busy.

8. It places limitations on actual socialization

With constant communication between friends and family, we are often up to date on the lives of our loved ones and left with slim topics of conversation when it comes to face to face communication. This lack of ease when speaking in person has led to more awkward encounters and lack of etiquette in social situations. Without realizing it, most of us will text those that we are not while in the presence of others and by default, ignore those we are spending time with.

9. It builds a barrier between generations

When we speak to our elders, it is generally through calls or visits, not texts. Most people of older generations do not grasp the concept of texting and current technology. Therefore we need to dial back on texting and realize that maybe it isn't the most effective form of communication since it does not reach everyone in which we desire contact with.

10. Sometimes it's just plain tedious

Many times when we say something vague over text, we want to get a general idea across to our friends or family member, but they want more detail. That's when texting loses its convenience and becomes a bit more tedious. Although we love to keep everyone up to date on the happenings in our lives, texting just isn't always the best way to tell a cool story or a funny joke. At times it can feel like we're typing a novel and have spent so much time and energy on a message that could have been a few minutes on the phone or in person.

I say we try to reconnect with our friends and family with more face to face conversations and with long distance individuals, try to have more phone calls and video chats. Texting makes our relationships and conversations more impersonal and casual than they should be. Let's try to disconnect more from our phones and reconnect with our loved ones.

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