10 Things College Will Teach You
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10 Things College Will Teach You

College is a crazy, confusing time for most, here is what I have learned in college beyond the academics.

10 Things College Will Teach You
Payton Cannon

As a junior in college I’ve had a lot of really good experiences and a lot of really bad experiences. I hope that my writing can be relatable and maybe help someone else who may be in a similar situation. College is one of the most fun, difficult, happy, and scary times of your life. You’re on your own, which is exciting, but…. Exactly, you’re on your own which can be the scariest thing ever. The following is ten of the many things I’ve learned through my time in college and each one I speak from experience. Although, there are SO many I could write about, I summed it up to this.

You’re going to lose friends.

And that means maybe losing yourself for a bit too, and that’s okay! My freshman year of college I lost the girl I had called my best friend since kindergarten. She literally knew my deepest, darkest secrets, was the girl who was in all the selfies on my phone, the girl I turned to during the happy and the sad, and the one I had made years of memories with. I became distant from those who I used to spend every waking moment with. It was really sad and hard to watch, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t be happier. Through losing all those people, I gained some of my best friends and got out of my comfort zone. Some of the people who I call my friends today I wouldn’t have three years ago. Although some of my friends I’ve been friends with for years, I’ve also gained new friends to make new memories with. You’re going to lose friends, and that’s okay!

You gotta show up to be successful.

9 times out of 10 there’s not going to be someone (your mom) pestering you to go to class. You’re completely in control of it. Although most professors grade you on your attendance, which is an incentive, it’s completely your responsibility you wake up when that alarm goes off because being tired is not an excuse, ever. Trust me. They will be more willing to help you when you actually put forth the effort to show up to class and participate. College is just like a job my friends, even though you may not see it that way.

You need to learn how to do stuff yourself.

No, the toilet paper isn’t going to show up magically and the laundry won’t do itself. Mom isn’t going to cook you mac 'n cheese when you come home from a long day of work or school. And Dad isn’t going to be there to check your oil when you need him to. You have to learn how to do this stuff for yourself and this is just part of growing up.

Thank those who have supported you.

Whether that be Mom or Dad, or Grandma and Grandpa, your siblings, friends, teachers, whoever, make sure you thank those people who you often took for granted. I guarantee a month away from Mom and Dad will make you appreciate them so much more, and make sure you thank them and tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them they were right, even when you swore up and down they were wrong, they don’t know what they are talking about. (It’s not like they experienced this stuff.) Life isn’t cheap or easy and you took for granted the time and resources they offered to you. Even though they help as much as they can, you’re still basically on your own figuring life out.

You’re forced outside of your comfort zone.

Whether that be taking a new class you’ve never tried, or joining a new club that you never would have imagined, you never know what trying new things can bring into your life. For me, I joined a sorority and it has brought some of the most amazing women who I not only get to call my friends, but my sisters as well. Maybe it’s not as big as that either, maybe it’s as simple as raising your hand in that class you’re really passionate, or saying "hi" to the person you pass on your way to class. No matter how far you are pushed out of your comfort zone, it can only positively benefit you in the long run.Don’t mess with the dials on the fridge.

It will freeze your cottage cheese. Don’t dry sweaters, they will shrink. And for the love of God DO NOT TALK TO CREEPY MIDDLE AGED MEN, they may turn out to be crazy meth heads. Believe me, I speak from experience. Be nice to the squirrels, but not too nice because they will walk you to class. Literally. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re trying to open the door. They are really heavy! And make sure you dress warm, because chances are your hair will literally freeze.

Don’t forget why you’re here.

No, you’re not here to meet friends or to go to the coolest parties. You’re here for an education and that should be your first priority. ALWAYS. Whether you’re a business major, or a theatre major, or an education major, you should always put your education first. Make time to email your advisor if you’re confused, try hard and ask questions to your professors, and be kind and respectful during class. You never know who may be watching and how that could put you at an advantage or even a disadvantage in the future.

Stay organized.

Keep your room clean and your planner tidy. Write yourself as many notes as you need to remember to study for that test or read those chapters. The more organized you try to be the more successful you will be in the long run.

Call your mom at least 4 times a week.

If you’re me you will call her every day, but if you’re too busy make sure you keep in touch with her at least 4 times a week. It can be as simple as an “I love you Mom” text, to a 5 minute phone call to tell her you got an A on your quiz. Believe me, she’s missing you way more than you are missing her and that probably sounds impossible. She wishes she could come home and see your car parked in the driveway or give you a kiss on the forehead before she leaves for work. But she can’t. So, seeing your name pop up on her phone will make her entire day. Trust me.

Last but not least, don’t lose yourself.

Make sure you are always doing what is best for you and not other people. You’re going to end up really disappointed if you put that boy or best friend ahead of your own needs. Take time for yourself and finish your priorities before you play. Let people know you’re not here for fun only you’re here for you to fulfill the promise you made to yourself. Tell them you’re here to achieve your goals and dreams, and that’s just what you will do

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