1 Reason Why I Hate Listicles (And Buzzfeed Too)
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1 Reason Why I Hate Listicles (And Buzzfeed Too)

Read to find out why... then get mad.

1 Reason Why I Hate Listicles (And Buzzfeed Too)

First off, I would like to say that I do not hate all listicles. Websites like Cracked and Listverse are excellent and I definitely recommend you check those out.

However, websites like Buzzfeed, or even a large part of Odyssey, unfortunately, disgust me. The difference between the two types of sites are that the former are either funny, informative, or both, while the latter are oftentimes meaningless clickbait that was created for no other reason than to waste time and get people to click on it.

So, in honor of my intense hatred toward listicles, I have decided to make my own. Mine, unlike most, has just one point to it. Now, I recognize some may view this as hypocritical, and to them I say: you're damn right it is. I'm a total hypocrite.

I mock single moms at Applebee's who can't control their kids, yet I can't shut my younger siblings up no matter how hard I try. I complain about inequality in America, but then I happily accept the advantages that come with white privilege. I openly despise listicles, yet I write one now despite this. It doesn't make any sense, but I don't care. You wanna know why? Because this is AMERICA and I can be a complete and utter hypocrite and not feel left out due to the fact that EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS COUNTRY IS ONE TOO.

It's refreshing; it really is. It's refreshing to just be brutally honest and not care what others think. I have a girlfriend (she's pretty great by the way), I'm going to go to a good college, and I have a family that loves me. I have no one else to impress. Well, that's not entirely true. A future job employer could find this article and decide they don't want to hire an arrogant jerk like me. Then again, that same job employer could decide that is exactly what he or she (equality even through casual pronoun use) is looking for. I'm not super concerned with that at the moment. Wow, I have gotten a bit off topic. Here is my one reason why I hate listicles:

1. They are pointless.

That's it really. Buzzfeed listicles are some of the biggest wastes of humanity that I've ever seen in my entire life. Take articles like “21 Foods That Forgot How to Food” or “15 Hedgehogs With Things That Look Like Hedgehogs,” for example, and you'll see how genuinely awful these listicles can be. I don't care about these things. If I clicked on even one of those articles, I think I would lose brain cells just by doing so. Reading a single word would permanently and irreparably damage my brain to the point where I'd have to be fed out of a tube for the rest of my life. I can't even imagine what would happen if I attempted to read the whole thing. I think I might die.

The more that I think about it, the more I've come to realize that my problem isn't necessarily with listicles themselves, but rather, my problem is with Buzzfeed and the awful, awful parasite that they have become. Trust me, I still hate listicles. I still believe that they are pointless. I have absolutely no desire to figure out what a Disney Princess would do if “X” happened. If I wanted to figure that out, I'd ask my little sister, and she could give me a better answer than what I see online. How are you going to tell me Ariel from The Little Mermaid wouldn't become a stripper if she was in Vegas? If that's not in the listicle of “What Disney Princesses Would Do If They Came to Las Vegas,” then I'm sorry, but your article is garbage and it seems like you're just afraid to offend anyone.

Well, newsflash, people: everyone gets offended by everything, so don't worry about it. I'll talk about this a bit later, so hold on a moment.

Now onto my larger point, and that is that Buzzfeed is a terrible website and a horrendous excuse for journalism. Anyone who works at Buzzfeed automatically loses all credibility, as they seem to believe that “Which Ousted Arab Spring Ruler Are You?” is an acceptable idea for an article, not for a 5 year old, but for FULL GROWN ADULTS. It's sickening that journalism has been reduced to the point where clicks mean more than the content of the article. Buzzfeed, and countless other sites across the web, continually spew out garbage with clickbait titles because they know that it will make them money. This type of uselessness extends to their YouTube channel as well, except in a much more revolting way.

Buzzfeed is a leader of what is called the SJW (Social Justice Warrior) movement. This is the group of people who take political correctness too far and scrutinize every minor detail in society. They are the epicenter of PC culture, and I hate them for it. Not everything is offensive. Not everything is some huge civil rights ordeal that needs to be blown way out of proportion. Buzzfeed seems to think otherwise.

Buzzfeed recently made a video about “manspreading”, which is when a man sits down and spreads his legs far apart and takes up more than the average amount of room. As a guy, I can attest to the fact that this does happen sometimes, but certainly not to the point where it is a problem. And if it is, all you have to do is ask the man, “hey, could you move your legs please?” and they would gladly oblige. It's not a big deal at all. Now rather than accept the fact that men need to spread their legs due to OBVIOUS BIOLOGICAL REASONS, Buzzfeed decided to do a “social experiment” where they manspread on the bus for a week. But instead of slightly moving their legs further apart like a normal guy does, they would take up two, sometimes three seats spreading their legs out. This is not manspreading. That's just being an asshole. It's as simple as that. Buzzfeed decided to take the actions of one or two jerks and stereotype half of the human race.

This isn't just an isolated incident, either. Buzzfeed also routinely makes videos where the sole purpose is to target a certain group, whether it be white people, black people, men, or women. They make it seem like they are trying to help by giving suggestions to these groups, but really they are just being stereotypical and pretentious. They think they are better than everyone else because they are Social Justice Warriors. They think they have some sort of moral purity that puts them above others to the point where they can talk down and degrade entire groups of people. Well guess what, Buzzfeed.

I hate you. I hope you and your listicles rot in a dumpster near Whole Foods in the near future, and I hope that your content creators go homeless once your site inevitability shuts down. Until then, stop writing listicles, people. They suck, and all they do is further the terrible “journalism” that takes place on large sites today. Maybe once we all stop, we can get one step closer to eliminating a giant cancer on the internet.

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