5 Reasons Why Your Middle School Friends Still Rock
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5 Reasons Why Your Middle School Friends Still Rock


5 Reasons Why Your Middle School Friends Still Rock

In a nutshell, middle school is awkward as hell. It's that time when you have no idea who you are. Once you've become friends with someone at such a young age and during such transformational times, nothing can break you apart. Middle school years are when you're most vulnerable and feeling awkward with yourself, but your middle school friends are the ones who keep you grounded for life. Now is the time when we get to thank our friends who have stuck with us through those awkward times. This is a shout out to the people that are still our friends despite our weirdness at thirteen.

1. They supported our eclectic style.

Middle school fashion was a flurry of Chucks, colorful Vans, and checkered belts. We constantly cycled through Hot Topic and Abercrombie & Fitch. Some days we didn't have the energy to change into regular clothes after gym, so we just wore our A&E shirt with our too long gym shorts. I remember wearing those thick rubber bracelets that said stupid things like, "Your Mom," and God forbid we forget those cool animal bands. Middle school friends rock because not only do they transform along with you, they also accept you as you play around with all kinds of trends until you find your own unique style and, above all else, they still love you despite the worse thing that puts a crimp in all fashion--braces and retainers. Our middle school pals endure the awkward dental disasters and keep you as sane as humanly possible (thank you from the bottom of my heart).

2. We always had a personal photographer.

Before iPhone cameras were a thing, we hauled our mom's giant cameras everywhere. Our middle school buddies documented our every move. Whether we were going for a simple walk or hanging out during spring break, we snapped photos of everything. EVERYTHING. It could be a ridiculous photo of our shoes or a secret snap of the cute guys in the grade above us, it didn't matter, it had to be a photo taken. One spring break to Myrtle Beach, my friends and I filled FOUR Facebook albums with photos because, hey, duplicates are different, and every small movement during middle school counts.

3. We found a way to communicate before iPhones.

I wasn't allowed to get a cell phone until the summer after 6th grade, so communication with my friends wasn't as easy as it is now. The Firefly phone and Motorola Razor were legendary and coveted pieces of technology during middle school. If your Motorola was the sleek pink version, you were "extra." At a young age, you swiftly became a champ at texting without a full keyboard and you aced shorthand out of necessity. With a limited number of data, you carefully chose who to text with because if you went over your allotted text messages per month, your parents would revoke phone privileges. When you got your phone taken away, though, you still found other ways to connect because, in middle school, no communication between your besties was a sin you weren't willing to live with. Phones were great but nothing got in the way of those crucial middle school connections.

4. They make the best wingmen.

Got a crush on someone in 5th period? No problem. Your middle school girls have your back. They create strategic nicknames so you can talk about your crush without them knowing (but they totally knew). Your friends will strategically sit so that you are "naturally" positioned next to the love of your life. If he even looks your way or asks for a pencil, chances are you're getting married, and who makes the best bridesmaids? These friends right here.

5. They are with us through the hard times. No matter what.

This week especially has been rough on my middle school friends. As an inseparable group since 7th grade, we have suffered a tragic loss. We lost one of our moms. Irreparable brain damage has stolen one of our greatest role models. I know that if the roles were reversed, and I lost my mom, these friends would be there for me. No questions asked. When you have to make the impossible decision to end care for someone you love or to complete organ donation paperwork, you have to have a support system. I met my support system in middle school and that's why they still rock.

These middle school friends, no matter how wacky you may have been in school, love you so much. Although we've lost one mother, we also share our other mothers. Your middle school friends and their families will be there to do whatever your mother would have done when the times get rough. When the going gets tough, you're comfortable enough to say, "Hey, when you come to visit, can you bring me goodfood?" And vice versa, when that friend calls in need of some yummy grub, you don't hesitate and will be the one who comes running with ravioli and cannolis. As your forever friends, we will still support your eclectic style, we will be your personal photographer, we will find a way to communicate even when it's no longer easy, we will always, always be your wingmen/women. And we will be there to hold your hand when the impossible times come.

In loving memory of Kerry Abraham.

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