It’s time to talk about it. The mark of the beast. The devil reincarnated to physical visible form or whatever. But, I’m not talking about folklore or legend. I’m talking about real life. Before I begin I want to talk about God and the Devil, just briefly. What are they? Without going deep down the rabbit hole they are simply symbols for good and evil; a timeless tale. Well, what’s that? Essentially good and bad can be boiled down to positivism and negativism; extreme positivity and extreme negativity. So, keep that in mind as we continue our discussion.
So, the mark of the beast. A number repeated 3 times. A ”bar-code” in many representations.
"16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark -- the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is six hundred sixty-six..."
That is revelations 16 through 18.
Now, I am not a biblical scholar and I do not recognize any specific man-made religion as “my own”, including Christianity. However, that does not mean I cannot or should not take the bible for what it is. A collection of stories and predictions that are put together to emphasize an idealistic way of life. Which is NOT all bad. We shouldn’t kill or steal or be NEGATIVE in any way. So, moving on, I find that specific part of revelations very interesting as it pertains to the main topic of this post.
RFID Chips.
If you are unaware of RFID chips then it is vital you know this and you share this post along with any information/videos you come across.
According to google: RFID (radio frequency identification) is a technology that incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal, or person.
Hmm. Sounds harmless, or at least according to one of the largest monitoring companies on this planet that work hand in hand with the FBI and CIA.
RFID chips, which have been around along with the legislation to implement them for over 10 years, are little tiny unbreakable glass pill like injectables. They go in your hands or arm, and will contain all of your information. This includes driver licence, a 12 digit i.d, bank account info, medical records, etc. Once embedded under your skin you don’t just take it out. There are other forms of this “I.D” like adherable bar-codes and such, but RFID’s are what bought-politicians are lobbying for. Also, make no mistake that regardless of what you believe or have heard, these chips are monitoring devices cloaked in make-believe convenience. Whether it is directly following your every move or just every time you enter a store, make a purchase, attend a public event, or travel; you will be monitored.
Now that you know what it is, and that it has been in legislation for over a decade, let’s talk bring both together.
I am not the first, as you will see in the linked videos. People have associated being chipped with the “beast” since they were first publicly proposed. I still think it’s worth exploring, especially from the perspective of a non-religious person. The 666 number is the mark of the beast but it is also said that it is the mark of man. Some scholars believe that the religious text is referring to the “papal” or the catholic-pope-church-institution. Some believe it’s talking about all mankind. I believe it’s simply talking about the most extreme negative people. Typically these people are the parasitical elite class, that own the monopolies and truly run the world. They always are striving for ultimate control, or god-like ownership of fellow-humans and this planet as a whole. To me, that is evil, that is the beast, and that is the correlation between 666 and man in my non-professional opinion.
The link between the evil people of this planet and the RFID can be found directly in the scripture above. No one can buy or sell without this mark or the number/name of the beast (possibly Essentially those in true power wont physically come to your home and make you inject the chip, at least we hope. They will simply create a paradigm where life is impossible if you are not chipped. No flying, no trains, no buses, no purchases from any store, no attending public events or games, etc. That is how they will get you.
Again, there are plenty of things in this world seemingly more evil but I ask you this,
Why would you want to be tracked like a caged animal?
Why would you want to make it harder on yourself to become truly free?
We are already slaves to a built in system of debt, credit, taxes, and fake money which is almost impossible to break free from. Why would you want to permanently enslave yourself? Protection? You mean you're going to buy into the load of crap spewed from a past president's mouth about being vulnerable so that he and those in power may pass “The Patriot Act”. Which is the first major piece of legislation that strips away our basic human rights in this country.
*note: I highly recommend the short video provided by the link above just describing what the patriot act is.
Mainstream media presents these chips in a falsified positive light. Focusing on a few key attributes such as knowing where your children are at all times, or for ultimate convenience…. Because life is just too hard, we need things to be more convenient. Wahh. (bet I don't sound like a millennial there.) Point is, we must break down everything to their most basic positive and negative attributes. Their good vs evil qualities if you will. I’m not necessarily saying that the chips themselves are evil. It’s technology. How can something programmable by man be evil? A gun is not inherently evil. The person who pulls the trigger is evil. Likewise for this. The people who are creating this paradigm and working to enslave us even more (like student loan debt didn't just cripple an entire generation) are the evil in this equation.
We are heading to an era of complete monitoring. Cameras equipped with facial recognition everywhere, and the inability to do anything without scanning something.
That same era, which is already here, is the beginning of something much worse that I won’t get into right now. What I will say is think of the long term ramifications, 5, 10, 20 years out.
Moving forward, and sort of my larger point, is we ALL need to open our minds. We need to be critical thinkers and that means acting out of reason and NOT emotion. We need to question those in power and bring to light things created for darkness. It is our duty to share knowledge and spread ideas that correlate with positivity, in a world centered around negativity.
It begins with educating ourselves and others. Talking about ideas instead of things or other people.
Ultimately the decision to be chipped will be up to you. I cannot sway you either way, nor would I want to. I respect you as a human with a brain too much to do what they do. What I will do is attempt to educate because knowledge is power. Without knowledge you aren't even really making a decision, though that's what they would lead you to believe. You are simply following orders. Not freely, but forcefully whether you can see it or not.
I will leave you to chew on all that I have brought up and allow you to digest it in the way that best suits you.
As always thank you for your support, please share when you get the chance, and I hope your day is filled with positivity.
Conceive, Believe, Achieve
This second video is shorter and more vital in my opinion as it ties everything together.