Yes, I know. I am a dork, but you love me. There is a confession that I need to make to you. The first time I ever saw Grey’s Anatomy was with you at the house.
It wasn’t the first episode, but it was during the time (SPOILER ALERT) when Cristina Yang, Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd, Arizona Robbins, Mark Sloane and Lexie Grey hung onto dear life trying to survive in the woods after their plane crashed. Some of them didn’t make it home alive.
As I began to re-watch the show I became obsessed with it. I had never found a T.V. show such as Grey’s Anatomy, so amazing and really eye-opening to life in the messages it sends. I may be a nerd I know, but watching it over and over again as much as I have done ever since has made me look at the show differently each time I watch it. Here are three life lessons that I get from Cristina and Meredith’s friendship.
1. You are my best friend.
We didn’t meet each other until I came into the picture when it came to friendships by association. We’ve had our ups and downs with each other and others. Remember the ASVAB Scandal junior year? Haha. What a stupid moment for the unfortunate. Or the time when someone tried to pin us against each other? Lord, forgive us for giving in a brief moment that there was a possibility of believing someone else besides ourselves. We got that cleared up pretty quick. Let’s also remember the moments of when I actually made time to come out to watch one of your Field Hockey games…. Sadly, the odds were not in your favor that day. Or the moments we had at Military Ball and we danced our heels off. I still have the letters you sent me while I was off at boot camp and then Plebe Summer because I still like to reflect on how I’ve lost a few friends along the way, gained a couple as well, but I still have you still right by my side no matter what. Just as Cristina describes to Owen above, you’re the person I would call to help me drag a corpse across the living room floor. Hopefully, that won’t happen or else I would have to start watching How To Get Away With Murder and create notes, too.
2. You are my sister. You're my family. You're all I've got.
You have opened your heart and your home by welcoming me into the family. You are my sister through everything. You have been with me through my greatest achievements, my greatest upsets, my self-loathing, my constant change and my constant persistence to pursue my career, even if that means being far away.
The hardest part of being so far away is leaving family behind, but I’m so thrilled of the opportunities I am given to be with family, especially when you have blessed me with my nephew, which is the greatest gift of all. It’s crazy that now you have a little family of your own, but you still continue to allow me to a part of it. We will most certainly have to take him on our trip to Greece when he gets older. Look at that handsome little guy.
3. Whatever life gives us, I know we will have each other to lean on even if we’re infinite miles apart. As Cristina Yang would say....
You are my person. You will always be my person. I love you.