Yes, I'm Voting For Trump -- Get Over It
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Yes, I'm Voting For Trump -- Get Over It

He may not be the best choice of candidate, but he would be better than a compulsive liar with health problems...

Yes, I'm Voting For Trump -- Get Over It

So, you think Donald Trump is _____________ (fill in as necessary)?

Well, there is some good news! You are wrong.

Over the last year, we have seen a lot of individuals assert that Hillary Clinton is not like Donald Trump (this includes Queen Bee herself). However, a lot of content about Hillary has been discovered revolving around just how awful of a person she actually is, which includes: defended her husband after he raped a lot of women, calling men of color “super predators", and calling for marriage to be defined as one man and one women. People are calling her a feminist and the only presidential candidate who supports gay marriage. From my point of view, it seems she is only switching her views to gain votes.

Hillary Clinton has called Donald Trump irresponsible, yet he has never had an email leak and risked national security. She said he had a bad temper, yet he has never yelled at reporters (although he has called a reporter sleazy). She says he has bad ideas, but he never called the Iraq war a business opportunity (honestly, if you preach that what is happening to the people in the Middle East is terrible but you agree that the Iraq war was a business opportunity, you must not know the economic shit we went through afterwards). She insists that he is helping foreign powers, yet her foundation regularly accepts money from foreign countries (many of said countries are dictatorships and very against anyone from the LGBTQ community, for your information).

So, while Trump may not be the ideal candidate, anyone who is saying that Clinton is the only choice for president is obviously ignoring some facts.

The road to 2016 Election Day has left me questioning my sanity once or twice with all the controversies and surprises, but it’s time to settle down from the upsets and vote to make America great again. Donald Trump may be volatile at times, but at least he is not the corrupt and dishonest career politician that Hillary Clinton is.

TRUMP KNOWS BUSINESS. Before anyone tries to bring up his bankruptcies, let me stop you. You cannot accidentally acquire a net worth of $4.5 billion. Starting any business is a risk where the risk-taker either sinks or swims. Despite Trump sinking a few times, he is still afloat and swimming beautifully. A few bad investments do not define people's ability to conquer the business world if they have proven their ability to succeed a myriad of times. While we are talking about money, though, can you remind me how much the Clintons stole from the White House again?

TRUMP SAYS WHAT HE MEANS AND IS NOT A SHAMELESS LIAR.Trump has made a few off-the-wall statements during his campaign, but at least he is upfront with the people. Although Trump can be wrong, at times, usually the media is guilty of twisting his words to mean something completely different than the original intention. If I named all the scandals and lies Hillary has involved herself in, this article would be the size of "Moby Dick," so to keep this short and sweet I will mention a few that every American should remember when going to the polls. Despite the FBI releasing confirmation that Hillary lied about sending and receiving classified information in her emails, she continues her shameful pursuit to deceive naïve Americans into believing she is trustworthy with classified information that could put the country in grave danger if mishandled. Perhaps the worst lies Hillary continues to spew are the ones pertaining to the men she killed in Benghazi. She has the audacity to tell the American people that their deaths were the result of a video when she, in fact, knew it was a planned attack. She lied to cover herself from her negligence to protect her people. Remember this woman has the blood of Americans on her hands.

SURPRISE! CAPITALISM DOES WORK! Only capitalism creates entrepreneurs, which means, at its core, capitalism is an expression of altruism. Of course, self-interest is involved. But the genius of capitalism and only capitalism is that it channels self-interest into altruism. Entrepreneurs can only help themselves by helping others. I am a low-income student. I should be mad at those people who have made it and are wealthy because I am struggling, right? Because damn them, right? Wrong. I have not made it, yet. Because of capitalism, I have the opportunity to be one of the best. I have next to nothing now but the possibilities of what I can have in 5 or 10 years (think of Li Ka-shing if you are having trouble understanding where I'm coming from). Socialism, on the other hand, has proven to be detrimental to many countries, and if you don’t believe me then feel free to ask Scotland, Venezuela, Russia or Greece.

HE IS NOT AS RACIST AS YOU THINK, PEOPLE. Donald Trump wants legal immigration. Let's face it: America has laws to protect citizens, and by compromising the enforcement of our laws, we compromise our safety. I'm sorry (not really), but the Islamic State and al-Qaeda are still extremely prevalent in society. With the current immigration laws, they could sneak into the United States no problem and what happened in France could easily happen on our own soil. That does not make me a racist; I am not saying that refugees do not belong here, that they have no right to fight solace here. I am saying that I am fucking afraid of what is going on this world, and that makes me human. Donald Trump made comments about some Mexican immigrants being criminals, but the media spun the comments to make Donald Trump appear to be against all Mexican immigrants.

If you think that the influx of illegal Mexican immigrants is not a problem, do you also think the crime rates are not a problem? Trump wants to build a wall to decrease crime rates. Drugs are constantly being crossed over the border -- I really do not want to hear about another teenager getting their hands on cocaine or heroin or meth and dying because who the hell knows what is actually in those drugs. In 2015, an illegal immigrant from Mexico (with a long arrest record) was charged with breaking into a 64-year-old woman’s home, crushing her skull and eye sockets with a hammer, raping her, and murdering her. In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that there were a shocking 3 million arrests attached to the incarcerated illegal immigrant population, including tens of thousands of violent beatings, rapes and murders -- which adds to the reasons why Brock Turner was released early; prisons are so extremely overpopulated by unnecessary arrests (and before you say anything, anyone who crosses over here illegally should be arrested and then deported, which we do not do -- compare that to Canada's immigration laws). Trump wants illegal immigrants to stop reaping the benefits of our generous government without putting anything forth, without paying taxes. Think of how much our economy would benefit if everyone that was using it was also paying for it. Trump doesn’t hate foreigners. He hates the idea of being taken advantage of. He is a businessman that refuses to let America get screwed over because we are too nice. So it is important to watch his speeches in their entirety to avoid being misinformed. Although his comments can cause quite the controversy, there seems to be a problem where the media is ignoring the comments made by the DNC referring to this group of people as the “taco bowl" (probably because Clinton might have them killed if they say anything). Look further for racism than the Republican Party because I guarantee it is a lot more to the left than you think.

HE HAS A POINT WHEN IT COMES TO THE EMPTY PROMISES FROM THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Democrats have done a great job with fulfilling many minority communities, but specifically African American ones, with empty promises. Consider this, under President Obama, 27 percent of African-American households still live below the poverty line, are twice as likely to be unemployed, and earn more than $13,000 less per year than whites. These statistics have stayed consistent for the last four years. It’s just really that simple – Democrats have proposed superb policy changes for this ailing community but fail to execute and deliver. They deliver hopes and dreams, but most of the time never come to fruition. That does not mean any good has been done, but it has not been nearly enough to fix these issues.

While he does not necessarily have the experience with sitting down with the heads of foreign countries, please do not forget that Clinton's track record is not the best (yes, I'm bringing up Benghazi yet again because I am just so pissed that she screwed up but is not receiving any punishment).

I want to make America great again. I want to make America strong again. I cannot handle another four to eight years of Obama's America; I have not benefitted from it at all even though I have been an American citizen for almost 22 years.

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