Anyone can write and be good at it, unless they physically can't write or they have a disability preventing them to do so. Those are the only exceptions. You know why there is no such thing as being a bad writer? It's because writing is subjective, just like how a person's face looks. I might be ugly to one person, but attractive to another, same with writing. It doesn't matter what people say about your writing, the fact that you can put words on paper or a laptop from your thoughts means you can write. I remember in High School classmates used to get embarrassed right before peer editing sessions. There was always those few students who said "sorry it's really bad" or "there might be a lot of bad errors." When I heard those comments it made me think, this is not right. Everyone's first draft will always have mistakes because there is no such thing as a perfect book, essay, movie etc. No matter how hard you try, how much you study grammar, there will always be someone who doesn't like what you have to say.
Everyone has a heart, everyone has a mind and everyone has experiences. Since everyone has these things, this means that everyone is capable of sharing them. Sharing stories and experiences with others is so important to learn more about yourself and others. Just because that english teacher gave you a D on an essay you worked your hardest on, doesn't mean you suck at writing. You could suck at following directions or checking your grammar, but the transferring of thoughts from your head to paper is not incorrect. It's not black and white.
The other day my younger sister handed me a rough draft of her college essay and she was scared to show me because she thought she sucked at writing. I took the essay and it was insightful, relatable and inspiring. It was awesome. When she thought it was a bad essay I had no idea what she was saying. She was so insecure from the horrible writing experiences in school that she labeled herself as a "bad writer," which is not true. Being a bad writer is not the issue, having confidence in writing is the issue. It's hard to get rid of the negative self-talk you have from past experiences.
If anyone wants to write a piece that they would have a higher chance of liking the outcome, they should write something they are passionate about. Being forced to write about a topic you have no interest in is not going to turn out in your favor, because it is not enjoyable. Once you start talking about something you love it's like you can't stop, same with writing.
Everyone can write. Just find a topic you are obsessed with and don't worry about pleasing someone else or making mistakes. Because if you have that mindset you will never feel satisfied with your writing.