The World Needs More Braxton Winstons
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The World Needs More Braxton Winstons

In a world filled with too many people willing only to talk, we need more people willing to take action.

The World Needs More Braxton Winstons
@BraxtonWinston (Twitter)

Stop me if this sounds familiar: You open Facebook just to browse, check out the latest memes, etc. But instead, there is just post after post from that same one friend. "OMG CAN'T BELIEVE TRUMP DID THIS!!!!" or "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE WE NEED TO STAND UP AND UNITE!" followed by an article.

In today's age of social media reliance, people's access to a soapbox has never been easier. Through the various social media platforms, blogs, even websites like this one, people can share how they feel about something with a few finger taps on their phone screen. But how many of those people actually do something about the issue they feel so strongly about? How many people donate to the causes, volunteer their time, or get involved in their government to enact the change they so passionately believe is needed?

The bad news? For most people, their impact on those issues ends at the comment section of their Facebook posts. But for a growing number of people in America today, people are putting down the cellphones and picking up picket signs. Exchanging status updates for political purpose and becoming a part of the system they believe needs to so desperately change.

In September of 2016, Braxton Winston was coming home from work. He had heard earlier in the day about the fatal shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by police, and wanted to stop by the scene in Charlotte, N.C. Upon his arrival he found that people were arguing with police, demanding answers for what had occurred. The situation quickly devolved and police dispatched tear gas to try and quell the large crowd that had began forming.

It was then that Winston was photographed with his fist in the air, using his shirt as a mask to protect form the tear gas, in front of multiple police officers with batons. The photograph later went viral, but something much more important also happened that night. Winston knew a few of the officers, and while speaking to one of them, was told that if he wanted to see change he should run for office. That set Winston on a path that would change not only his life, but begin to shape a new future for Charlotte.

Fast-foward to November 7th, 2016. Braxton has just been elected to the Charlotte city council. When he was interviewed by David Greene on NPR earlier this November, Braxton reiterated how being apart of change is much more important then talking about how there needs to be some. "From last September, I was invited to many different tables. You know, I was invited to be part of the discussion. And I think that's so important - is to make sure that more people from different parts of Charlotte are part of the discussion because that's how we move things forward" he states.

That thought process--that you are more than a voice on a screen but a force by which you can help solve these issues--is an ideal that has been all too rare in today's society. Progress is happening, and Braxton is not alone.

This November saw many more people becoming a voice in the conversation instead of a voice about it. In Virginia, Chris Hurst won his election for a seat in the House of Delegates. In 2015, Chris's fiance Allison Parker was murdered on live television as she was working as a reporter for their local news station. He decided to run to enact change for stricter gun regulations and bring about a safer and more prosperous era for his community.

Also in Virginia, Danica Roem became the first openly transgender person elected and seated in the U.S. Statehouse, defeating the self proclaimed "chief homophobe" Robert G. Marshall, who is also known for introducing the controversial "bathroom bill" earlier this year.

These are examples of people stepping up in their community and getting involved, starting uncomfortable conversations and fighting for what they believe in. The world needs people, now more than ever, that will do more in their communities to help bring about change.

Even if it's as simple as showing up to the voting booth and electing people that you believe in. In the 2016 election it's estimated that only 58% of eligible voters showed up at the polls. That needs to change.

It's not a matter of preaching either, I like I am sure many of you reading are guilty of caring about a issue but doing nothing to try and change it. How many times have you seen someone asking you to call your congressman and you picked up the phone?

We don't need to be Braxton, Chris, or Danica to be the change and the voice that dictates the direction of our nation we just need to do our part. As Mahatma Gandhi famously said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Or in other words don't talk about about it.

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