Society has a lot to say when it comes to women; too much if you ask me. It doesn’t matter if it’s about motherhood, what we wear if they should work or not, and so on. But a good question to be asking is: why is that? Why does society feel the need to control every part of a women’s life, then get upset when they diverge from that “path?”
As long as I can remember, women have been split into two categories: pretty ones (sluts), and smart ones (ugly). If a woman is in any way attractive, she doesn’t have anything of value to say and even less to think. If a woman is smart, then she obviously had to be ugly since she would rather focus on learning than her appearance. It is such a far-fetched thought that women can be both.
Which brings us to the overarching question of, why does society think it is okay to equate women to pieces of meat? Especially since, last time I checked my own anatomy, I am most definitely not a New York strip steak. Women aren’t around for the appraisal and entertainment of men. We are human beings who are so much more than pieces of ass.
The fact that little girls are taught to be inherently self-critical about their bodies and cover them up at all times, has a direct correlation with how former generations have been conditioned by society. Modesty has always been linked to femininity and beauty, but this day in age, more and more women are reclaiming their bodies and getting major backlash for it.
I personally am so fed up with being considered just a hot commodity and that’s it, because I am so much more than that; just like every other woman and girl that I know and/or look up to. We don’t deserve to be catcalled and whistled at whenever we walk down the street, or even just go out for a night on the town with our girls.
So I repeat, we, as women, are not here for the entertainment of men whatsoever. I am a person who deserves the utmost respect, because not only, is it something I give you, but because it is an automatic, basic human right. I don’t catcall a man when he walks by, or try and grab his body in inappropriate ways, or even equate you to something I can devour.
Women are people just as much as men. We aren’t just sexy or pretty. We are beautiful, intelligent, magnificent and radiant individuals who deserve to be treated as such as well as shown that we are these things by men. No woman should ever have to be treated as though she is lower than anything especially lower the ground we stand on.
There is a pride and love within women that deserves to be celebrates so why is it that when it comes to men, we are thought as just things to play with? Women have always and always will be so much more than that.
And that fact right there is something to celebrate all the time and no matter the situation.