My Winter Break To-Do List | The Odyssey Online
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9 Winter Break Tasks To Jump On Before You Fall Into A Hole of Procrastination

Winter Break is officially here and that means I can't keep procrastinating all of my work.

9 Winter Break Tasks To Jump On Before You Fall Into A Hole of Procrastination

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Winter Break is finally here and as happy as I am, it feels as if I still have a ton of work to do. Not only do I have academic goals I want to accomplish but also personal goals. Although my to-do list is short, I hope by making it that way I'll be able to accomplish everything I have on my list.

1. Organize my things and get ready for spring semester

One thing I learned from Fall semester is that I should definitely keep a planner to stay organized. I normally don't write down due dates and instead rely on my memory which I learned isn't the best tactic.

2. Go on a few hikes

I have been to quite a few state parks in Georgia and the view is always mesmerizing. I'm hoping to visit a few parks that I haven't been to yet.

3. Volunteer somewhere new

I love volunteering at different places because I feel it takes me out of my comfort zone. I'm constantly trying to challenge myself and my volunteering somewhere new I'd have the opportunity to work with new people.

4. Catch up on my sleep

Sleep is always important and I feel like I've been running around for the past few weeks so it'll be nice to take a breather and relax for a bit.

5. Study for the ACT

The stress of junior year has definitely began to take a toll on me and studying for the ACT is currently at the top of my to-do list.

6. Spend more time with my family

Spending time with family is incredibly important and sometimes school gets in the way. This break I plan to make sure to spend time with my family.

7. Read at least three books for pleasure

As I get older, I feel like I read less and less books every year. I prioritize reading school books over pleasure books which is something I'm working to improve. I also often start a book but never finish it. One book I want to finish is the Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard.

8. Paint something new

Recently I painted a canvas and although it didn't turn out the best, it was a very calming experience. Over the break, I want to paint some more and hopefully get better at it.

9. Take time to enjoy myself

With so many things to do, it's important to remind yourself to relax because you are in fact on a break. Personally, I have to remind myself to slow down sometimes and breathe.

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