All my life I have jammed out to music at full blast in my room. Only recently have I came to a full appreciation for small town bands. There is a special sound for small bands. They have their own unique sound unlike anyone else. They don't have any big record company backing them or twenty people writing songs for them. They are real and raw. There is emotion and sentiment put into their sounds. There are two main reasons to support local music: 1) just because they are local doesn't mean they are bad, it means they unique and undiscovered and 2) by listening to them you are helping them achieve their dreams by just listening to them and going out to see them.
There are local bands everywhere in my area and everywhere else that I absolutely love and I feel it only right to share with my readers.
Shock Value: This wonderful group is a local Alternative/ Indie Rock band from Hazleton Pennsylvania. I have been ever so lucky to be able to watch them grow develop through the years. They have a very unique sound that sets them apart from other bands. They have performed many local venues and are recently been making waves in the local music scene. They recently won "The Future of the Scene" award from the Steamtown Music Awards/ Electric City Music Awards. Check them out:
Shallow Side: This group I had the pleasure of seeing as a opening act for TRAPT. They are an amazing Rock band from Alabama. They have a sound that I simply can not get enough of. I had the awesome opportunity to meet them and they took the time to talk to and take a picture with me. They were very down to earth and just amazing to talk to. I love them and I hope you do too.
Scott Marshall and Marshall's Highway: This band has a unique sound that is indescribable. They get down, dirty and real with their lyrics. They draw influences from the Beetles to Bon Jovi. This band started with the lead singer and his best friend deciding to take their passions to the next level. Their songs are written to motivate people and provide the sense of faith, family, and country. Scott Marshall, the lead singer, holds awards through the Lehigh Valley Music Awards. Here's a taste of their wonderful sound: (Skip to 20:30)
P.s. check out the cute pianist!!!
Another Day Dawns: A local hard rock band from Lehighton, Pennsylvania. They have played in many shows in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. They have opened for TRAPT, Tesla, Sammy Hagar, and many more. Although they are young, they are awesome. Check 'em out:
Melodime: This band is a Southern flavored Alternative Rock band from Virginia. Their music is very raw and tells stories of love and heartbreak. They want to inspire people and change lives. Being down to earth, they truly appreciate their fans and write for them. They have a sound that reaches in a pulls at your heartstings.
Support local artists and help them achieve their dreams.