Why We All Love Throwback Songs | The Odyssey Online
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Why We All Love Throwback Songs

Let your inner superstar shine.

Why We All Love Throwback Songs

M.C Hammer's "Can't Touch This," Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby," Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me," Blink 182's "I Miss You," and maybe even a little Britney Spears "Oops I did It Again" - all some of the many classic throwback songs that we all know and love.

Say you're one of those people (like me) that can't remember lyrics to songs to save their life, timeless songs like these are the exception, you without a doubt at least know the main chorus's of any good classic throwback.

1. Every Time The Songs Come On You Can't Help But Point To Your Friends And Belt Out The Chorus Together.

I don't know what it is about songs from the 90's that hold onto their popularity, but everyone knows them and it's almost impossible to not want to sing along to them.

2. They Bring Out Your Inner Pop Star.

It is easy to get a bit carried away when singing these iconic songs, but just keep in mind, you aren't in the music business for a reason. So just because you sound good in the shower, doesn't mean you've magically transformed into Destiny's Child or a Backstreet Boy.

3. They Make You Feel Some Type A Way.

Whether you're alone in your car, at a club, at a restaurant, or even in the bathroom - you belt out those lyrics with no shame. Embrace it.

4. Singing And Dancing To These Songs With Strangers Can Form Instant Friendships.

Your favorite song just came on at the bar and your friends are no where in sight but you see a stranger near you itching to break out the chorus of the song so you wind up singing it together. Instant bond.

5. You Most Likely Have Some Go-to Awkward Dance Moves To Go Along With The Songs.

Don't even try to pretend that you don't throw your hands up in the air and spin around every time "Don't Stop Believing" comes on, or that you don't get down low when you hear "Gettin' Jiggy Wit it."

6. You Most Likely Have An Inside Joke/Funny Memory With A Friend Over A Throwback Song.

Maybe you drunkenly sang karaoke at Applebee's one night or stood on top of the bar dancing to a song and made a fool of yourself. Your friends will constantly be reminded of all the funny times every time the songs play.

7. You And Your Friends Mistake The Club For a Stage.

Sometimes you just get so in the moment that you forget you might be in a public place and people are judging you hard. After the song is over, it's back to reality for you my friend.

8. You Think That All The People Not Singing Along To The Songs Are Boring And Weird.

They might think you and your friends are the weirdos but its actually them for being boring and for not apprectating the nostalgia of classic music. These are not the people you want to associate yourself with.

9. People Give You Strange Looks But You Don't Care And The Attention Is Oddly Satisfying.

These people are the worst. They suck the fun out of everything. They actually care what people think (lame).

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