8 Reasons Why This Season Of "The Bachelorette" Is Better Than The Rest
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8 Reasons Why This Season Of "The Bachelorette" Is Better Than The Rest

And why you should watch it, Mondays at 8/7c.

8 Reasons Why This Season Of "The Bachelorette" Is Better Than The Rest
E! Online

For years I heard mixed reviews about "The Bachelorette," and with such a variety of worthy shows to binge watch out there, the lukewarm attitudes weren't encouraging enough for me to justify starting yet another one — not to mention the fact reality television has never been my favorite genre, what with the sheer amount of headlines about Kardashians these days.

It wasn't until I heard the new season would be featuring accomplished Texas attorney Rachel Lindsay, the first black Bachelorette in the show's history, that I took a second look, and the more I saw, the more I found myself intrigued. While the show only briefly touches on race, with Rachel herself explaining she isn't there to do anything other than fall in love, it was refreshing to finally see representation — which brings me to my first point.

Warning: spoilers ahead!

1. This is the most diverse cast the show has ever seen.

Let's be upfront: this cast is beautiful. From the Bachelorette herself to every single one of her suitors (questionable and downright despicable behavior aside, anyway — we'll get to that), their stories are touching. It's almost inspiring to see no matter who you are, this is reality television and everything about yourself will likely be hammed up to ten for the cameras. Being that it's 2017 and all, it's about time. I understand the show isn't about anyone else other than the ones looking for love, but reflecting what most of the country's actual populace looks like doesn't hurt either.

More than that, though...

2. Two words: Bachelor. Nation.

It's more intimidating than it sounds. I have no idea who coined the term or how, but dipping into the hashtag #TheBachelorette on any given social media platform, you will find 'nation' is definitely accurate. The show has been going strong for over a decade, amassing a huge following, and it's just fun to be part of the movement. With the show welcoming more diversity, I've seen other newcomers like myself have chimed in.

People are witty. Twitter has gifs now. It's a whole thing.

3. Placing your bets.

In all honesty, this is my first time watching the show — but I can already tell: this part of the process is easily what lures you in to begin with. By the time everyone's introduced themselves to the Bachelorette, it's hook, line and sinker. I've only heard a few things about introductions in past seasons (I vaguely remember hearing about a woman in a shark suit having delusions of dolphin grandeur), but who knew there were so many... compelling ways to make a first impression on someone? Maybe we should all be taking notes. This season feels especially, um, special though.

For instance: take the whaboom guy. Yes, I wish I had the words to explain.

4. Drama.

From Lucas the whaboom guy and his number one hater Blake's truly childish standoff after they were both booted, to DeMario getting caught off guard by his own lies — and most recently, to Lee starting all kinds of mess in the house with Iggy reporting on all of it to Rachel — it never ends. Enough episodes in and you almost never want it to.

5. Rose ceremonies.

The stress is too real during these, but once you've gotten into the drama of the show, the tension becomes addicting. Rachel Lindsay is one of the classiest, most graceful, down-to-earth women I have ever seen on a show like this, and coincidentally also the best at giving me heartburn when it comes to announcing who gets to stay and vie for her affections another week, and who disappears forever* next.

*Or who shows up outside of the mansion to get shut down by the queen one last well-deserved time.

6. The stress of not seeing someone get a rose at said ceremony.

Where was Josiah? Is Alex safe? How's Bryan? Did Kenny make it? Cue the ensuing struggle to develop X-ray vision to try and see who has a rose pinned to their lapel and who doesn't. Relief has never tasted sweeter when you see your favorite contender in the clear. It almost makes the anticipation all the more worthwhile.

7. Who even is that?

Through no fault of their own (I imagine these episodes are edited to conveniently feature the biggest personalities during any given drama), there will come a time — no matter how wonderful the cast — that someone will crop up out of nowhere for a brief interview/voice-over, worrying about getting a rose, and for a few minutes all you're worried about is recalling who Jim or Jonathan or Steve is. That doesn't seem to be exclusive to this season, however.

8. But most of all, the Bachelorette herself.

"I'm not choosing a man for America, I'm choosing a man for me."

She's incredibly smart, capable and honest, but patient and beyond gracious all throughout — even when certain people don't deserve that treatment from her. What sold me on the whole show was the way she handles everything that's thrown at her, plus the pressure from everywhere else, with so much grace. She tells the cameras and producers when she's done talking. She's a woman who put herself and her career first and is now looking for someone to supplement that life — and what's not inspiring and empowering about that? Not to mention, she charms everyone on the show and has fun all the while. Goals.

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