“I am an independent person who does not need another person.”
This line right here can be taken in many different ways, but the way I take it is that it is okay to be independent. All of my life, I have been that type of person that never really asked for any help unless I truly needed it. Getting into relationships was never easy because being an independent girl in a relationship can be very rare, but if you have one, keep her.
People always ask me “Doesn’t it bother your boyfriend that you have an attitude and that you are independent?” Let me tell you a little secret; The first time that I was in the car with my boyfriend and the song “Miss Independent" by Ne-Yo came on, he turned to me and said, “this is my song for you.” That was over a year ago, and it is still true to this day. It probably annoys him that I have an attitude, but at the end of the day, he knows that I would go out of my way to do what I needed to do.
Being an independent person does not mean that you never ask for help from someone, it just means that when you do, it is because you truly need their help. If someone tells you that you are stuck up for being independent, it just means that you are getting done what you need to get done. All of my life, I have always said, “No, I got this.” And it was true, I got it because I truly worked for it. Every time someone comes up to my boyfriend and says “Aren’t you going to help her?” I love his facial expressions and his response “No, she’s good.”
And, it is true. I’m good and I do not need the help that most people think that they can offer me. I am okay with being independent because that means that when it comes down to it, I will always be able to provide for myself. When I truly need help, I always ask for it, and me asking for the help means that I truly have tried everything that I possibly can in my power.
“Say, oh is something about
Kinda woman that want you but don't need you
Hey, I can't figure it out
Is something about her
Cause she walk like a boss
Talk like a boss”
These are lyrics from Ne-Yo’s song "Miss Independent". If you walk like a boss and talk like a boss, own it. If you own it, then you know that you have done everything correctly. Along the way, you may have had to ask for help, but there is no shame in that. There is no shame in that because you know that the majority of the time, it was you. It is okay to be independent especially in a relationship because that means you will always be able to hold you own, and you will not have to lean on your significant other for everything. You will be your own person.