Why You Should Be Obsessed With PINK On Campus
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Student Life

Why You Should Be Obsessed With PINK On Campus

Meet our 2014-2015 campus team!

Why You Should Be Obsessed With PINK On Campus
Taken by Andrea Edelman

This semester I have the opportunity to be involved with one of my favorite brands on campus here at Rutgers: Victoria’s Secret PINK. As a part of a team of 9 wonderful girls, we are aiming to bring more awareness of the PINK brand to campus. Have you spotted anyone wearing PINK Rutgers gear at the football games or around campus? Are you just dying to get ahold of it? Well we are the girls that hold the all access pass to everything PINK on campus. 

Tiffany Jones and Emily Beckman are PINK’s two campus representatives. 

Tiffany is a junior in the business school here at Rutgers. She is double majoring in supply chain management and marketing, with a minor in Spanish. She is an Resident Assistant and is a 2nd year PINK rep.

Emily is a junior studying journalism and media studies, with a minor in psychology. This summer she interned for Kleinfeld Bridal (YES, the same Kleinfeld Bridal from TLC's Say Yes to the Dress!) and has previously worked at Victoria's Secret. She loves animals and her favorite foods are sushi and Pillsbury vanilla frosting. 

They, along with 196 campus reps from other schools traveled to PINK’s headquarters in Ohio this summer for 3 fun-filled days of training and mingling. They had the opportunity to meet the CEO of the brand and ate lunch with the merchants. They were a small part in a huge operation, but Tiffany said “the higher-ups actually cared about what we had to say about the trends on campus.”

The 7 other Street Team reps are slowly becoming some of the most amazing girls I have met so far at Rutgers: 

Katie Weinert is a junior in SC&I majoring in Communication. Along with the street team, she is the secretary for Sigma Delta Tau sorority on campus. She's a shopaholic and loves anything with glitter. She lives off chocolate chip cookies and Starbucks iced caramel macchiatos. She's excited to be apart of the PINK street team as head of social media.

Kelly Meyerhoff is a senior studying marketing in the Rutgers Business School. She really enjoys event planning and has worked as a Matk Conference Planning Team member. She hopes that working as a PINK street team member will give her more experience in event planning.

Raynee Morris is a junior ecology, evolution, and natural resources major with a double minor in music and entomology. She is a member of the Livingston Theatre Company and Rutgers Night Live. She enjoys playing video games, reading, riding her bike, and doing yoga in her spare time.

Casey Battersby is a freshman at Rutgers. She intends on majoring in pharmacy and is from South Jersey. She loves to meet new people and is so excited to be in an atmosphere in which there are so many people to meet. Being a member of the street team is the first step in that direction and she couldn't be more excited!

Monica is currently a senior attending the Rutgers Business School. She spent her summer securing a post-graduate job and visiting her nieces and nephew in North Carolina. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts,
traveling, and trying new foods. 

Lauren Loesner is a freshman in Mason Gross School of the Arts. She plays guitar, bass, piano, and she sings. She makes short films in her spare time.

Emily Zarych is a sophomore studying psychology and will be applying to the graduate school of education here at Rutgers next spring. She is very involved on campus and is so honored and excited to be a PINK street team rep!

And I am the 9th member of the team!

Our first event at the Involvement Fair was a huge success, and we hope to have many more successes with our upcoming parties. The second, which is happening now is "PINK So Styling." This is actually a digital engagement to feature Rutgers girls who are wearing PINK on the Pink Nation website. From now until October 15th don't be surprised if one of our street team members asks to take a picture of you if you're rocking PINK around campus. Sometime in late October we are hosting a PINK Bra and Panty Party at Menlo Park Mall. The party will feature a new PINK bra and panty release and our goal is to educate young women on the product. Make sure to come out the event because there will be bra and panty raffles! And perhaps our most exciting event this semester is our Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Viewing Party. One lucky sorority on campus will win the rights to host the party in their house or selected venue. In order to win, each sorority must take the cutest photo outside of the Menlo Park Mall PINK store. The photo will be judged on most social media integration and overall creativeness. So get working on your photography skills girls, because the fashion show is planned for December 12th!

There are several other events that are in the works, so in order to be continuously updated on all things PINK, you can follow all of our social media accounts:




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