Why I Pledged Phi Beta Chi
Growing up as an only child with the longing of having a sibling to share the best, the challenging and the unusual only made it even easier for me to decide to "Go Greek" once I entered college. As I visited various sorority houses and stranded multiple interest events I realized that they were not the ideal sisterhood that I so longed for. Yet when I met the sisters of Phi Beta Chi I knew for a fact that this was where I belonged.
These are just a few reasons why I said yes to Phi Beta Chi:
1) We shared and upheld a similar faith.
2) Our sisterhood meant, and means, going above and beyond to help one another.
3) Sororities are typically stereotyped for multiple reasons, but this sisterhood defied the stereotypes and proved that we are truly "down to Earth".
4) Academics always came first for all of us.
Whether it was tests, projects, or even understanding anything as a whole we came together for one another. Even if that meant going over to help someone with Spanish videos in the middle of the night.
5) Supportive Alumni are what truly help this sorority.
They are the ones who help us be able to continue when we need the most help.
6) Although our interests in education differed we still shared common majors and were able to aid one another with our tasks.
From teachers to nutritionists, we had it all!
7) As previously mentioned, Phi Beta Chi is far fetched from what most people think of as a sorority.
We love to dress up and hang out, but we also enjoy mud runs and thrive on being a dry sorority.
8) The willingness to help anyone at any cost was something that captivated my heart when I first met the ladies whom I know have the pleasure to call my sisters.
Regardless of who it is, what they have done or said, so long as they are in need of help PBX girls are there to lend a hand and a heart.
9) Although a couple of us have graduated and have moved to different cities/towns, we still keep in touch and know that if the occasion were ever to arise we would be there for one another.
After all, our sisterhood is not only for four years...its for a lifetime.
10) Every sorority has their own philanthropy that they support and are passionate about, for being part of a sorority is having a heart and passion for a special cause.
For us it is "Bethesda", which is a Christian organization that provides homes and other services to people with developmental disabilities to help them live the lives they want. In fact, one of our chapters hosts their annual "Pancakes for Bethesda Breakfast" in which all profit is for Bethesda.
All in all, I said yes to Phi Beta Chi because I knew that I wanted a sisterhood that would last for a lifetime and not just four years. With Phi Beta Chi I have been able to travel and meet sisters from our various chapters with whom I am able to stay in touch with.