There are no better friends in the whole world than your pets, whether they're cats or dogs or fish or hamsters. They deserve all the love and praise in the world and there's a reason you can't say anything bad about your pets. There's a reason you never get tired of their company and always miss them when you're away for too long. They're the best, and here's why.
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With each new year comes new goals.
Deciding on a goal can be hard, unsure of what to change for this new year. A new goal for myself is to be happier and take care of myself more. I am a very driven person; so driven that I commit to a million and ten things.
For a while I am killing it then all of sudden BAM! I crash and burn out. My goal is to avoid this for the coming year. Taking care of myself needs to become a priority. I cannot be used or fully get everything out of my education if I am not taking care of myself mentally.
Here are some ways I plan to take care of myself:
Keep a Journal
Today I am Grateful Journal Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
Having a way to record everything going on is a major way I clear my head. For some reason when I am anxious and overwhelmed writing it down decreases my anxiety about the issue.
Go to the gym
Go to the gym StableDiffusion
I know everyone says they are going to go to the gym for their new year's resolution and unfortunately a commitment like that is not always realistic. I hope including the gym in my overall goal of self-care will make it possible to achieve.
Listen to Music
Listen to more music Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash
Music is a major relaxer to me clears my head and brings me back to what I really need to be focused on.
Be more patient
Have more patience StableDiffusion
I need to be more patient and think my decisions through. So goal of mine is to be more in the moment and not always be so ready to plan the future.
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Pros And Cons Of Having A Birthday Near The Holidays
The truth of what it is like having a birthday around the holiday season.
11 December
It's the most wonderful time of the year!! But for some people, including myself and my Dad, it can have its ups and downs when it comes to having a birthday near and around the holiday season. I personally share a birthday with my Dad two days before Christmas. Yes, Christmas Eve Eve is our birthday. Here are a few pros and cons for having a birthday near the holidays.
This is the blessing in disguise of all of the madness of having a birthday near Christmas. You get a lot of gifts, birthday and Christmas combine together to be a big gathering and gifts for everyone!!
Con: "This is your Christmas AND your birthday present."
The most used phrase for anyone who has a birthday remotely near the holidays. The convenience for someone to buy one gift is great for them, but sometimes it would be nice to have some separation between your birthday gifts and your Christmas gifts.
Pro: Your entire family shows up to celebrate your birthday!
Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins, EVERYONE is there to help you celebrate your birthday. Being surrounded by family on your special day is great.
Con: You probably won't have a birthday party.
If your birthday is near the holidays you probably understand this: a birthday party is basically non-existent for you. A birthday party near the holidays means little to no guest attendance because of holiday travels or possibly bad roads on the day of your birthday. You will probably get the "how was your birthday?" or "what did you do to celebrate your birthday, did you have a party?" The answer is you probably did not.
Pro: It snows on your birthday!!!
All I ever wanted for my birthday was for it to snow. I love when it snows on my birthday; it is so magical to me to have a beautiful white blanket of snow glittering across the land.
Con: It snows on your birthday.
There is probably a large possibility that if it does snow on your birthday and it's bad, you probably won't be going anywhere. So be ready to hunker down with just your immediate family and not plan on getting on the roads. But you can sled on your birthday!!!
Pro: Lots of decorations for your birthday!
Lights, lights everywhere!!! The land is festive, magical and exciting, it truly feels wonderful to see so much joy in the air.
Pro: You get a lot of food if family Christmas is on your birthday.
If you love food as much as I do, family Christmas on your birthday is a little slice of heaven!!!! Food everywhere!! All of your favorites, plus the festive holiday treats and candy that you only get near the holiday season (hello Christmas cookies!!)!!!
Pro: So much to celebrate and be thankful for.
Your excuse for over-eating could be that it's Christmas AND your birthday, so you have a lot to celebrate.
Pro: I get to share my birthday with my Dad.
Though having a birthday party near the holidays can be rough, it is wonderful to share it with someone as wonderful as my Dad. Some might say it's a burden to share such as a special day with someone, but it's truly a blessing for me. Plus, I'm the coolest birthday present he has ever gotten.
Enjoy this holiday season and don't forget your friends and family who have birthday nears this festive time.
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It is that time of year again. Christmastime. It is one of my favorite seasons for a myriad of reasons. Here are just a few reasons why I love Christmas. This list is in no order of importance.
1. The Christmas decorations
I am that person who will decorate directly after Thanksgiving is over. This year, my roommates and I put the tree up in our apartment before we even left for Thanksgiving break. It is a great stress reliever for me to just sit in my living room and work on the huge amount of work I have before the semester is over.
2. Christmas movies
I love watching Christmas movies. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I could watch them with my parents when things were a lot less stressful. Besides, in my opinion, someone is never too old to watch Christmas movies. It puts you in the holiday spirit, and it helps that Freeform (ABC Family) has the 25 Days of Christmas.
3. Spending time with family
Since I have moved out to go to college, I have realized that I miss my family a lot when I am away. My parents may absolutely drive me crazy when I come back because I am so used to the independence that comes with being almost 5 hours away from them, but I still love to go back to visit. My brother and I used to fight all the time and now he is the person that I miss the most while I am away. I'm really glad that him and I got closer because now he is someone to confide in.
4. Christmas cookies
They are delicious. Need I say more?
5. Egg Nog
Whenever I start to see egg nog in the stores, it's a sure sign that Christmas is quickly approaching. Since this is only a seasonal item, I tend to overindulge. But since it's only around for a short period of time, I don't feel to guilty about it.
6. Christmas presents
When I was a kid I cared about this one A LOT more. I remember being that ridiculous kid who would give my parents not just a few suggestions of what I wanted for Christmas, but a two-page list for them to pick from. Needless to say, I've matured a lot since then. As cliche as it sounds, now I am just grateful to be with my family again and that all of us can be happy and healthy together. I've lost a lot of family, so this is quite a blessing.
7. Snow
While I don't love how cold it gets during the winter, I do love how snow looks on the ground while I am sitting in a warm house spending time with my family. There is nothing quite like a white Christmas.
In conclusion, I love Christmas because it is a time where everyone can just be happy. The holiday season may bring a lot of stress, because of the pressure to get the perfect present for that special someone, but once its all over, there is nothing quite like the joys of Christmas.
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If You're A Christmas Addict Like Me, You Can't Stop Doing These 8 Things
We are well aware that it's not even Thanksgiving yet.
10 December
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
'Tis the season to be jolly folks, and if you're anything like me, then at the stroke of midnight on Halloween your home went from wicked to winter
1. Decking the halls AKA decorating before Thanksgiving.
First things first, THE TREE IS UP. Or at least you're clearing up a spot in your living room, bed room or where ever to make room for your Xmas tree. I mean its the first day of the Christmas season and you have to start it right. But ya know, if you're being a grinch and waiting 'till after Thanksgiving to put up a tree, then in the very least your lights are up and all of your pillows are festive.
2. Playing Christmas music all day long.
The one time of year where Michael Bublé comes out from under a rock is when you truly come alive. Your Spotify playlist is loaded with a mixture of the classics with Sinatra singing I'll be home for Christmas to Grandma got run over by a reindeer. You've got to appeal to the masses here. Either way, whichever songs you have on your list, you've got that jolly jingle on BLAST and no one can stop you from bringing the musical holiday cheer where ever you go.
3. Christmas movie marathons.
Honestly, did you ever stop watching Christmas movies from last year? I mean yes we know we have seen each and every Christmas movie about a hundred times but guess what, we're still not sick of them. Elf, anyone?
4. Getting offended when someone hates Christmas.
First of all, no one asked you to be Scrooge this year. If you're getting your tinsel in a tangle from all of my Christmas cheer than you can go FA LA LA yourself in the corner. As for the rest of us who have never had coal in our stockings, we'll be over here having a jolly good time. *Cranks up Jingle Bells*
5. Drinking holiday themed drinks.
Basically, you now live at Starbucks have a collection of red cups from 2005 and are running off of Eggnog lattes with a hint of peppermint.
6. Buying ugly Christmas sweaters.
Yes, we know you have a plethora of chunky ugly Christmas knits, but have you seen this new one target put out for this year? I mean whats one more sweater to keep you warm during this chilly time of year. Definitely a need for this holiday season.
7. Using every chance to talk about Christmas.
Pretty much, anyone who has spoken to you since the beginning of October, or when the temperature dropped into the 60's, your mindset has been on straight Christmas mode. By the end of the year, you'll probably have said "Christmas" over a million times. A major bonus for yourself is anytime you can throw in "Bah humbug," or "Sweet Christmas."
8. Baking Christmas cookies.
Cookies here cookies there, cookies are everywhere and you cannot stop. People swear you own a bakery, and you love it.
Merry Christmas to my Christmas lovers out there! Remember, it's never too early to spread good cheer, no matter what those little grinches say. Keep being the jolly to my holly!
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Project Eve
Mistakes are something we all make, no matter how old we get. Most of the time, the mistakes we made are little and sometimes due to something out of our control. Yet, there are mistakes that are bigger than others. Personally, I have mistakes that I wish I could go back and undo. Here they are:
1. Not seeking help.
There are times where we as individuals need to go to someone, professional or not, and ask for a little help. Sometimes all we need is someone to talk to and bounce off all the thoughts that are racing in our heads. Over time, not talking to someone about the emotions I was experiencing, lead me to have an emotional and mental breakdown. Yet, the worst thing for me was that I was in public. It was the first month or two of my first year away at college, I didn't have many friends and well, that didn't matter. Not because I didn't want friends. but because I was too stubborn at the time to reach out to anyone, friends or not.Since then I have learned that it is ok to talk to a professional or even a friend. It's okay to need somebody.
2. Put my happiness in someone's hands.
No one should be in control of your happiness but yourself. Once you put that in someone else's hands, you are pretty much guaranteed to be unhappy. Why, you ask? Well, people can be mean, and well, they tend to put themselves first. Another reason is that they have their own happiness to control as well.Lastly, it is YOUR happiness! Only YOU know what does and doesn't make you happy and you're the only one who fully understands your emotions. Save yourself the pain and focus on figuring out your happiness on your own. It may take a while but it will be worth it.
3. Declaring a major BEFORE going to college.
Declaring a major before actually stepping foot in a college classroom was one of the worst decisions I made. I was only seventeen at the time of applying to colleges, and there was (and still is) so much for me to learn. The major I currently have, I didn't even know I would be interested in! Of course I know that many people change their majors and that is okay, but having a major I wasn't 10000% in love with at the beginning of college meant that I had to take classes I didn't love, and as a result I didn't do my best. My GPA suffed as a result. Luckily those classes also counted as general requirements so no time was wasted, but I wish I entered undeclared.
4. Trusting everyone.
I've learned that trust has to be something that others earn from you and vice versa. Giving out trust to just anyone, purely because you want them to like you and befriend you, is a terrible mistake. Often times those individuals who are given someones trust instantly, abuse it. At least, that is what always happened to me until I learned to not just trust anybody and everybody. Before trusting someone, make sure you get to know them first and earn their trust as you let them earn yours.
5. Being on Tinder.
If you're not looking for an instant hookup then get off of tinder. In my experience it is full of guys who want to claim to want to have sex with you but as soon as you politely decline for any reason, they go and tear you down emotionally. Save yourself the trouble and meet people in person.
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