Why Parenthood Is The Best Job Title
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Why Parenthood Is The Best Job Title

8 reasons why you should reconsider not having kiddos of your own.

Why Parenthood Is The Best Job Title
Caitlen Sloan

I read an article the other day on Quartz that reviewed a recent published study over the parent happiness gap. The very first sentence of the article reads, “It’s an almost immutable fact: Regardless of what country you live in, and what stage of life you might be at, having kids makes you significantly less happy compared to people who don’t have kids.” Not only can I attest to the falsity of this statement from personal experience, but the study used to support this statement doesn’t actually support it at all. Unfortunately, readers in our day and age are always on the go. They’re too busy. They simply don’t have the time to read a research paper and determine what the study was really about. This one article could potentially turn many millennials away from having children in their future based off of a false pretense. If you ask me, that is a crying shame. Children are a wonderful blessing, so I’m here to set the record straight.

The study was actually exploring why the happiness gap (childless people score higher on a happiness scale than parents), exists. It actually turns out that restrictions in America such as our almost non-existent maternity leave, limited to no paid time off or holiday days and outrageous cost of childcare are what make parents so miserable. Huh, would you look at that. Being away from their children is what actually makes Americans with kids so unhappy? What a crazy concept.

If this clarification isn’t enough to convince you having children is a wonderful journey to embark on at one point in your life, here are eight reasons why parenthood is the best job title to hold (from personal experience):

1. For the first two years, you have your own personal doll.

You can literally dress and pose these babies in anything your little heart desires (like this ridiculously adorable romper), and they won't care one way or another. They'll get their own voice eventually, you'll have to start letting them dress themselves and they may cringe at some pictures one day down the road, but hey, they're only little for a little while, right?

2. Children are always there to help you out when you're in need.

You know all those times you've been standing in the shower, wishing you had all the contents underneath the bathroom sink with you, but didn't want to get the floor wet? Kids are there for that! Oh, that has never been a concern of yours? Well, they are also amazing healers. If you're feeling angry, sad or lonely, just one hug from them instantly makes you feel all the better. When they say "Mommy," "Daddy" or "I love you" for the first time (and every time after that), every wrong is made right in your world— even if only for a moment. They also have an incredible effect on the elderly. Take a look at this story of a preschool within a nursing home to see how!

3. They say things like "morning dinner" (breakfast), "pupcakes" (cupcakes), "goruhless" (gorgeous) and "dumb f*ck" (dump truck).

You will literally laugh every day at something they'll say. Sometimes, you won't even be able to discipline them properly, because their argument is cuter than the heinousness of their crime. These are just a few insightful quotes from my 3-year-old. You are sure to encounter many of these when you have children of your own!

On avoiding a pursuit: "If I ripped him up, he couldn't chase me, because he wouldn't have any legs!"

On growing up: "Mom, I've lived with you a long time, like this long (holds her arms out). It's time for me to find my own place. I'll still love you even when I'm gone, don't worry."

On worshiping Jesus: "I've got the joy joy joy joy down into my heart. Down into my heart. It's going down for real."

On Pokémon: "Can I watch Poking Wad and Peek At You (Pikachu)?"

4. They teach you how to find the silver lining in all situations.

Sure, $60 was destroyed in the five seconds it took you to pick out a shirt, but her little face is too funny, thinking you're the mean one for taking the makeup away. They're going to make lots of mistakes and even more messes, but they often have a way of making it all OK. Sometimes you'll be laughing too hard to stay mad. Others, they'll actually realize what they did and provide the sweetest apology known to mankind.

5. You'll face your biggest fears.

You might be forced to ride in a spinning death trap disguised as a fun carnival ride 10 times in a row, but their smile definitely makes it all worth it. They'll sit in the only spot next to someone in an empty restaurant. They'll make you dance in the middle of the movie theater during the ending credits song. They'll make you do things you'd never in a million years do on your own. However, you'll also learn more about yourself that you weren't aware you didn't know. You will grow as a person, all because they make you step out of your comfort zone.

6. They show you the importance of finding the beauty in all things.

You'll spend more time than you'd like at each animal exhibit at the zoo, just so they can analyze all the colors, movements and sounds. They'll want to stop 50 times on an evening walk, just to talk about the ants walking in a row and the birds in the sky. So many questions-- that you won't know the answer to-- will surely be asked. Like, "Why does it rain?" or, "How come that wasp is eating all those ants?" Finding the answers to these questions will make you seriously analyze the world for what it is. You'll begin to see the beauty in it all, like how many forces work together for rain to happen. If you're religious, you'll grow in your faith, seeing all the beauty God has created. If not, you'll marvel at how the world works as it does without a guiding hand. It's truly amazing what thoughts simplistic questions can provoke.

7. You'll discover what innocence truly means.

I think the best lessons we can learn from children are those of innocence. When my great aunt and then grandpa died, my daughter couldn't understand why everyone was so sad about it. You see, children live with this mind that has yet to be touched by the selfishness, perversions and evils of this world. My daughter was raised believing there is a heaven and it is far grander than anything here on Earth. She couldn't understand why everyone was so sad, because someone being able to live with Jesus in heaven is a happy occurrence, something to celebrate. You'll find that children have these moments all the time. They make you rethink the way you view the world, ultimately making you a better person.

8. They make even the burliest of men turn into teddy bears.

You know that man in your life who you've never seen cry or even hint at being anything less than cool and collected? He could be your brother, father, grandfather, uncle or best friend. Perhaps he's in a branch of the military or is the best hunting partner you've ever had. Well, that strong rock of a man will instantly transform into the biggest softy you've ever seen the moment he holds your baby. All those strict rules and regulations you grew up believing were immutable facts to them will be thrown completely out the window. They'll start saying things like, "That hurt my feelings," getting their nails and makeup done by a child stylist, and dressing up in literally anything they're asked to (the dress up trunk pictured can be found on Amazon). Though you'll be constantly reminded that your presence is far less important than that of your child's, just seeing these relationships bloom will make your heart melt enough to accept it.

9. They show you what true friendship looks like.

I don't think I can stress this one enough. There will be a small period of their lives -- a small time before they are corrupted by the wickedness of the world -- that they truly do not care about the differences among their peers. Believe it or not, there are playgrounds out there where little white, black, brown and yellow children alike play together without a second guess. They will fight over who goes down the slide first or whose turn it is to swing, but those fights are based off of one thing: someone else has something they want. Not race. Not age. Not socioeconomic status. Simply children being children. Their biggest reason for not liking someone is that they pushed them down while running. This is powerful. It illustrates parents' and society's role in shaping their little minds. They aren't born caring about their friends' differences. We teach them to. This is not to be confused with noticing the differences. Children will certainly notice and ask questions, but it doesn't change they way they feel about or treat their friends. Just through observation of their young playtime, you become hyper aware of the way you treat people. You will find yourself striving to be a better person than before, just so they will grow up thinking that being kind is the norm, not the exception. Through their interactions with others, you will begin to discover the characteristics of what a true friendship looks like, with no preconceived assumptions or stipulations.

Children truly have a way of making us grow as human beings into something better than we were before. They fill your hearts with joy. They change the way you view the world. They are the future of this world and being a part of shaping what that future will look like is by far, the best job anyone could hope for.

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