There are many times throughout the years that I have taken a step back to analyze the individuals that were put into my life. I often get extremely frustrated when I can't figure out their purpose and how they are supposed to better me as a person.
I know that God has a plan, and I have always respected that plan, but sometimes I just want to know why He places some individuals around me everyday.
In the past, I have gotten some answers. I know that He placed my best friend in my life so many years ago so I could have that friendship, that person, and the friend I could call about absolutely anything. I know that He placed some negative individuals throughout my life in order for me to grow as a person and to get over some of my fears. I understand that sometimes negative people, or maybe just people with different viewpoints as me, are often sprinkled throughout my timeline so I can understand who I am as a person, and grow and change to my best ability.
Me being the overthinker I am, I often analyze some of my close relationships that do not make a lot of sense to me and think: there has to be a purpose for this. I have had so many relationships that seem like there is nothing positive coming out of them (but there is also nothing negative), they are just there. I work and I try to create something great out of every friendship I come across, because I know that has to be His purpose.
However, I learned something the other day that really changed my perspective. Maybe some relationships aren't supposed to help me at all. Maybe God put me in someone else's life for a reason. Maybe these relationships that seem as if they are going nowhere for me, are actually going somewhere even greater for the other person.
I have learned so much about other individuals in my life, and they have all taught me valuable lessons, but I never really thought of the fact that I may teach others lessons as well. It is so important to live an honest, truthful, and positive in all that you do. If you radiate positivity, it is sure to reflect on the individuals that cross your path.
Sometimes, God puts people in your life for a reason. Sometimes, he puts you in their lives in hopes that you can make a difference in a large or a small way. Either way, it is important to stay positive and love every second of the life He has given us.