There are few words more oddly unsettling in the United States than feminism. Terms like communism and terrorism probably take the most heat, as far as -isms go. But ,for some reason, feminism still incites this skewed, cringe-worthy connotation in the minds of men.
Contrary to what some might think, feminism is not the belief that women are superior to men. In fact, it has nothing to do with superiority and everything to do with equality. Feminism, by definition, is the belief in the economic, social, and political equality of the sexes. Women are not better, nor are they worse; they are equal, on every front, to men.
I completely understand why some men are staunch adverts to feminism. They are threatened. Their long-standing tradition of patriarchy is crumbling and they don't like it. So I guess I can somewhat understand their perspective for fighting equality.
The men's club is ending. Women are achieving more and reaching higher goals now more than ever as the playing field is finally well on the way to being leveled. Now, do not mistake this as women being handed things. They are not being handed anything. This is about OPPORTUNITY. Feminism is about women being given an equal opportunity, not becoming a token on a diversity brochure.
This is why I am a feminist. I believe in equal opportunity. I believe that, for too long, women have been silenced and sent to the benches without even the chance to prove themselves as individuals. They've been confined by a chauvinistic hierarchy that says that men come first and that women are subservient to them. Marriage, as an institution, has contributed to this flawed notion that wives must be obedient to their husbands. I understand that tradition plays its role in society, and that some women prefer this manner of living, but I could not live with myself if I did not speak out against it.
Women have been taking on life with an arm pinned behind their back for centuries. I am a feminist because I believe that this man's world that has been ingrained into our culture should be no more. No more of this world where politicians say a woman's body can prevent her from scaling the same heights within the business world. No more of this society where celebrities and athletes batter and assault the women that they claim to love, and get to continue making millions of dollars. No more should women in underdeveloped countries be denied a proper education because it's perceived as a waste of time, effort, and money.
Feminism is not just about the issues facing women in this country, but the issues that face all women, and men alike, across the world.
Feminism is about ending the rape culture that in some way blames female victims instead of the scum of the earth that assaulted them. Feminism is about women in third world countries being educated to the fullest extent they desire and can achieve. Feminism is about ensuring women have a right to self-determination in how they live their lives and with whom they live it. Feminism is about women having the right to control their own bodies. Feminism is about women getting to take time to care for their children, should they choose to have them, and not punishing them for being the only sex biologically capable of carrying a child. Feminism is about women receiving equal pay for equal work. Feminism is about women having suffrage. Feminism is about not thinking that a young girl should have the audacity to dream of being president, but instead thinking she should have the right to dream that.
I understand that this article will not change many people's minds. I am content with the fact that many will cling onto outdated traditions, failing to break through the confining fabric of society. But, to every man out there, how can you not be a feminist? How can you look yourself in the mirror and make peace with the man you see if you don't fully support women's equal rights? I could never.
I am Tucker Verdi and I am a proud feminist.