A Response To "Why I'm Voting For Trump"
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A Response To "Why I'm Voting For Trump"

I am the daughter of immigrant parents. I am a proud Latina. I am a Catholic. I am a Democrat.

A Response To "Why I'm Voting For Trump"

After reading Kelly Quelette's blog that explains her reasoning for voting for Donald Trump, I found there are many topics about Trump that were not discussed. Of course, that reason is to make Hillary look like the unfit candidate. Now, you Trump supporters are free to support whomever you want, but in the way we democrats and undecided voters have listened to Trump's and his supporter's opinions, I urge you to listen to ours. This is not an attack, and I am not a liberal looking to make you upset. I am simply expressing my reasoning as to why I am voting for Hillary Clinton, to inform others of what has not been mentioned about her

The media has bashed Trump, just like the media has bashed Clinton. The media coverage of Trump, however, is different in that we actually hear his direct words. We hear his words from today, we heard words from his past. We have heard world leaders and countries express their opinions on Trump. At the end of the day, Hillary outweighs the good in Trump.

Trump is a sexist, a groper and a man with no filter or respect. If you are going to discuss rapists to devalue Hillary, then that means Trump has outweighed her by the long run. Yes, Hillary shortened the sentence of ONE rapist when she was an attorney. But Trump has used force to touch women just because he is "famous." Trump's words are worse because some have been completed actions or complete shit. I do not want a man who has degraded women based on their looks. I do not want a man who devalues someone because of their culture, race, or gender.

I want a president who will fight, not just for, but along with the majority of people who make our country the GREAT country it is today.

Let me remind you who helped us see the racism and discrimination in our country. Mr. Donald J. Trump. The man who wants to kill children with drones because he believes that will stop terrorism. The man who wants to deport 12 million illegal immigrants. Oh, and let's not forget his wall. Because his "yuge" wall is going to prevent "rapists, drug lords and criminals" from crossing our borders. The man has said so himself, that is okay to punch protesters and that he will even pay for your attorney. There is so much more I can say, but we all know Trump's flaws and it is not the point of this article. I have to give him some credit though — he has gained a lot of attention. He has unified the Republican party, but also unified hate in our nation.

Here is my reasoning for voting for Hillary Clinton:

1. National Security

Hillary wants to open our borders to those who need to come here to the United States. Yes, we have had 13 terrorist attacks since 9/11. But while we believe we are the good guys fighting the enemy, we have dropped about 23,144 bombs on Muslim countries in 2015 alone. We have killed more Muslims than terrorists have killed people in the United States since 9/11. Refugees and immigrants want to flee to our country for safety, better lives and better opportunities for their children.

I would also like to mention that we do need stricter gun laws. In 2015, there were 372 mass shootings and 64 school shootings. About 13,000 lives have been lost due to just these shootings. We lost 3,000 American lives here in the US because of terrorism between 2012-2014. We should be fearing our own country and not outsiders. Hillary wants to enforce stricter gun laws for our safety. She does not want to take away your weapons. No harm is being caused by allowing immigrants to seek safety within the United States. She is not allowing anyone or anybody to come into our country. Think about the mothers and children trying to flee the war or poverty. Not everyone is out to destroy America. Wake up and stop using ignorance to disprove Hillary just because you don't like her.

2. Women's Rights

I am a feminist, and she is all for women rights. She said, "Human rights are women rights, and women rights are human rights." One right is to have the same salary as a man because we are doing the exact same job. As Bernie Sanders mentioned, we "want the whole damn dollar!"

I want equality because women throughout history have proven they can do what a man can. Women have no limits, and Hillary will be the woman who will remove the inequality.

Also, family leave is a big concern in our country. Women should be able to take time off when they are a caregiver to their children or give birth, without losing money or their job.

Sexual assault is an issue that needs to be taken care of. Since women are the majority victims in these cases. There needs to be an end and consequences to those men and women who assault. I am tired of men being able to leave free-handed from a court after they have damaged a women's pride and mental and physical health. No women asks to get sexually abused.

This issue ties into abortion. Now I am Catholic, and I would never have an abortion. It is against what I was taught, and I could never live with that guilt. However, not everyone judges with religious morality. Everybody does not pertain to a religion. At the end of the day, it is a woman's choice over her body and pregnancy. A doctor should not be punished for performing an abortion because he has sworn to put his client's wellbeing first over anything else. To some, it is life, and to others, it is a fetus. If a woman is raped by a relative, someone with an STD, or just can't sustain the child on her own, she has the right to decide if she chooses to have this child or not. Most republicans don't support welfare, so they have no interest in helping the mother financially with the child. The adoption process here is terrible enough. You are more concerned with a life that hasn't seen the world yet, then those who truly do need help. There are children who are orphans, that have health problems, or are even living in poverty here in the United States. There are much bigger issues than abortion. Do not base your vote on just your religious stand point.

3. Immigration

We are a country that is united, no matter the race, gender, sexuality, religion. Our country is made up of immigrants. I mean come on, the US stole this land from Native Americans. We claim, a century later, that we don't want to let others come into our country, A refugee is not going to terrorize our country because they are fleeing their country. Immigrants from Mexico are not criminals or Mexico's worst. It is stupid how difficult it is to obtain your citizenship in the United States. They cross the border illegally, they work with other's social security numbers. They do this because they are desperate for the opportunities that they don't have back home. No one truly understands how difficult the government makes it for illegal immigrants.

My family's history and sacrifices have placed me where I am today. My grandparents and parents worked out in fields since they were young. I don't think they realize that their sacrifices are what have allowed me to have the privileges I have now. My family's past is why immigration is such an important topic to me.

Hillary will use executive power to prevent families from being separated. She knows we need a reform to make the path to citizenship easier. It is much simpler than building a wall and trying to deport every single illegal immigrant here. Banning immigrants would be hypocrisy because all of us are here because our ancestors migrated here. Banning others from our country is not because of safety; it is because you are afraid our country will lose more when in reality we would gain more.

4. Hillary will not run America like a business

We are a democracy, not a business. I do not care if you are a business man. And I definitely do not want a businessman who has become successful through unsustainable debt, bankruptcies and mistreatment of his workers. If he cheated his own employees, why wouldn't he cheat America? I mean he already has by telling you everything that contradicts Hillary so he can get your vote. Do you really think his policies will pass through?

Hillary's issues with taxes are more convenient for the middle class, who are the majority. Wealthy people work hard for what they have, but so does the working middle class. My father at one point worked two factory jobs to sustain my family. We're not lazy — it's just that we don't receive living wages that can help support our families like wealthy families do. You have to explore both sides to understand the TRUE issues, and you can not judge it with ignorance. We have to create well-paying jobs for our working middle class. A man who has created jobs, but never paid those workers is someone America does not need.

Just one last thing: do not vote third party. About this, I do agree with Kelly. You are not helping to vote against whom truly is more unfit. This isn't about who you like anymore; it is about trusting your gut and voting for someone who you believe will bring better things to our country. At the end of the day, it will be Hillary or Donald, not Jill or Gary.

Make your vote count. When you vote, you are standing up for what you believe in. One thing for sure is that after hearing both Trump and Clinton, she has convinced me that she is the candidate who deserves to win. And being an Indiana resident, I have hated what Pence has done to Indiana thorugh the government, especially in education.

Please go out and vote November 8. It a right that we are blessed to have. No matter the odds, make sure your voice is heard

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