When you first go off to college, chances are you don’t have many people you can talk to, so who better than the person sharing the same living space? You may not know each other very well at first, but you learn about each other and grow as people.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, there is no privacy. There is peeing with the door open, peeing while standing in the same room, talking while one is peeing and one is in the shower. Like I said, no privacy. But somehow, it’s the most natural thing in the world. The conversation couldn’t wait for the personal things to be finished.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, you are a doctor. Whether it’s a strange bump on the rear end or a zit on their back they just can’t seem to pop, there is no need for WebMD when they’ve got you and you’ve got them.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, there is endless fun to be had. Whether it’s just talking late at night and recapping the highlights of each other’s day or watching an entire season of Sex and the City on a lazy Saturday afternoon, the fun just seems to happen.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, there’s so much to look forward to. Ellen at 3 Monday through Friday, and Sex and the City from 11pm-12pm, like, every day. Getting ready in the morning and getting ready for bed, because by now you’ve got this routine down where you can easily work around one another in such a small space, but it’s always more fun when you both wake up half an hour late and are running around frantic.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, they know exactly how to cheer you up. Whether it be an energy drink shot the Monday night of finals week, dancing around a candle to J Biebs or staying silent as you go through something they don’t quite understand. Just knowing they’re there is more than enough comfort to get you through anything.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, you know it all. Every person that broke their heart, every frenemy that left a scar in their back, and every piece of their past that they may not be too proud of, but it’s okay, because they know yours too. You’ve met their family and they’ve met yours. It’s like you’re in a committed relationship, but at the same time, it’s almost as if you’re siblings.
When your roommate becomes your best friend, there are no secrets. You know when they’ve been watching ahead on Sex and the City without you, you know when they’ve been seeing that person they said they’d never talk to again. They know when something is wrong and they know when you are stressed. Who even needs secrets?
When your roommate becomes your best friend, you know someone out there in this crazy world has always got your back.