What Your Summer Is Like As Told By Spongebob Squarepants | The Odyssey Online
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What Your Summer Is Like As Told By Spongebob Squarepants

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What Your Summer Is Like As Told By Spongebob Squarepants

Summer, all in all, is a nice three months of relaxation. Overall, I know that we have the ambition to exercise, get that perfect tan, and accomplish something meaningful. But in reality, we all live in a pineapple under the sea. Yes, I am referring to Spongebob Squarepants, but, we almost live the same exact life as Spongebob and his friends during the summer believe it or not. Well, let us just see how many things you can identify with.

1. You want to lose weight but are tempted with all the food surrounding you.

What the heck Mom and Dad! Didn't you hear I wanted to go on a diet and not on a cruise?!

2. You want to save all of the hard earned money that you have worked for.

Where's the sale?

3. When you make plans with all of your friends.

But they all cancel and you are all by yourself.

4. When you call your friends just to say hi and that you miss them dearly.

Who calls nowadays?

5. When you want to pick up a new hobby.

But you don't know what to do and where to begin.

6. When you want to practice those dance moves for the club when school starts.

But then you look like this, so you then decide to ditch those plans.

7. When you want to go to a party but you have to invite your siblings.

Well, then you just have the most amazing time. Go best friend, that's my best friend...

8. When you think you actually may have mastered adulting.

But then you realize... you have no money and you are staying with your parents for the summer.

9. When you want to hang out and spend time with your family and parents.

Well, you just want to spread the love. Don't you?

10. You act mature and smart so the rest of the family will respect you.

But then you realize they know you better and you aren't fooling anyone.

11. You decide that you want to write a daily journal because your life is so interesting.

And then you just end up never finishing it because you're favorite show was on.

12. When you try to wake up flawless.

But then you realize being flawless is being Beyonce'.

13. When you are in charge of making dinner.

But then you realize you don't know how to cook anything.

14. When you come home and your parents have company over.

So then you just go to your room hoping you wouldn't have to engage in small talk.

15. When the cousins come over to have a sleepover.


16. You imagine that you will be back in school with all your friends and life will be good again.

Life is good.

17. You finally start to realize that school sales are coming your way and you haven't started shopping for new supplies.

I thought I had another month left?!

18. You get that last minute tan in.

Well because we all know we didn't do that all summer long.

19. You start to panic because you are going to leave your pet and/or family because school is coming up.

You will miss them dearly but it will be OK! Who says you can't FaceTime your dog?

20. You realized you've finished the summer of 2016 and there are more memories to make!

We made it fam!

Have a happy rest of the summer everyone!

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