I’m finally home for the summer and there were a lot of things I missed while being away from home. It's the little thing that build up slowly over time while you're away from home. You won't notice it at first and then, bam! It hits you all at once and you get a big case of homesickness. That what happen to me. At first I was fine and I didn't notice anything until a month in I realized there was a lot of things I missed about being home. Even the little things like how the sky in Michigan is darker at night compared to the sky in Wisconsin. It doesn't get nearly as dark, which makes it harder to fall asleep. Here's a list of things I missed while being away from home and vice versa:
- My parents- Being away from home, you get more homesick than you originally think. I missed all the little things they did for me and I didn’t realize it. Especially the hugs everyday.
- Homemade meals- College food sucks, no matter where you go. Some places are better than others but nothing beat being able to make your own food. Along with having the food you want available and eating anytime throughout the day.
- Family movie nights- Movie nights are fun with friends, but it’s always nice to watch movies with the family that you all enjoy with popcorn.
- My own big bed- It’s soooo nice to be able to spread my legs out and roll around without fear of falling off the bed. Plus more room equals more space for all the pets that end up taking up my bed space.
- Pets- I love my pets so much when I’m away from home. My pets at home are my motivation to work hard and be able to come home. The best part is that they are also equally happy to see you as well.
- Siblings- They are annoying but in the end you love them. I love my younger brother even though he annoys me. We are best friends. Who else is gonna quote movies with me?
- Friends-I miss my friends a lot when I’m away, because I’ve gone through a lot with them and they are always there for me. They know the most about me and vice versa.
- Showering without flip flops- The showers are so gross. I know the showers get cleaned but since everyone uses them you have to be careful. It grosses me out thinking about people who don't use flip flops in the shower. I love not having to worry about that when I’m home.
- Holidays- It’s so sad when I miss holidays, because then I don't get to see my extended family as much as I usually do. Now a days, I miss almost half of the holidays that we celebrate together. It’s sad cause I don't even get to see my extended family that much.
- Just being home- Just everything that makes your home, home. Even the little things that you didn’t usually notice, you end up missing more. After a while, I’ll miss my school as well.
- My personal space- Sometimes I like to be left alone and being home doesn’t always involve that.
- Friends- You make new friends at college and you end up missing them while you’re home because you’re use to being around them more.
- Routine- Sometimes I get in a slump during the summer cause I don’t really have a routine. I like when I’m back at school sometimes because I have a set routine that keeps me going.
- Work- My job is different at school because I work with other students who I become really good friends with. A summer job is with other employees you won't ever really get to know.
There are both pros and cons to being home and being at school. I obviously didn’t even come close to naming most of them, but I listed the ones that I relate to. I will definitely have my hands full this summer with a part time job and summer classes. You gotta make the best of what you have, while you have it.