In a world full of 20 somethings growing up and thanking their dads for everything, what is it like to have no idea what they mean? To be the daughter of a man you barely know? To not be a “Daddy’s Girl”? To some of you that probably sounds pretty terrible… to me that sounds just right.
I was NEVER a Daddy’s Girl. I was born into a loving family, don’t get me wrong. But, from the time I can remember, my father and I never got along. Ever. If we did speak it was short and awkward or long and heated which usually involved a lot of yelling and tears.
Being an active duty member of the United States Marine Corps, my father was overseas a majority of my childhood. I got used to it, and somehow, liked it better that way.
When he was home he didn’t really spend time with me or try to make conversation. I was lucky if he knew what was happening in my life, or even cared. It only got worse as I got older and my fear of fighting back lessened. That’s when I realized we would never see eye to eye. Now, at 20 years old, when everyone is thanking their “daddies” for “being the only man they will ever need”, I feel like such a minority. I’m sure some of you do too and I’m here to let you know you’re not alone.
Growing up and not having a healthy relationship with your dad is hard, don’t get me wrong. But I’m here to remind you of a few things you were taught by not being, “Daddy’s Little Girl”:
- You do NOT need a man in your life. You don’t know what it’s like to have a man run to your side when you fall and scrape your knee. You know how to handle yourself without a strong male figure and you are stronger than most because of this.
- You are CAUTIOUS. If, and when, you want a man in your life…You know how to spot a genuine guy, one who won’t fail you like your father did. You don’t mess around with losers and you know who’s worth your time and who definitely isn’t.
- You APPRECIATE the people who want you in their lives. You do not take for granted the family and friends who make time for you and care for you. Unfortunately, because you know all too well how it feels for that not to be the case.
So, even though you don’t know what it’s like for daddy to always be there, you know how to love yourself and you see your own self-worth. You won’t ever let another man treat you that way and you appreciate the people who see your worth. One of the biggest things you can do is be confident in the fact that it was and IS his loss, not getting to know his super awesome/fantastic/fashionable/funny/and STRONG daughter.