Recruitment is a process that consists of sleepless nights for the Executive board, gorgeous room decorations, and hanging out with your best friends.
As a PNM (potential new member), I remember not knowing what to expect as I walked into the doors for recruitment. At New York University, Greek life isn't as big as it is in state schools and even then, there were over 500 girls who had registered for recruitment. The process may have been slightly different than most schools, but it still brought out a crazy amount nerves. Personally, I was nervous to speak with them - would they like me? Did I look presentable? What would I talk about? More importantly, what should I talk about?
Here's the thing though, once you walk into a specific organization, all of those questions you were freaking about two seconds ago seem to disappear. When it's the right room, you just have an easy time speaking with the sisters. The conversations don't seem forced and it feels surprisingly easy. It's a weird concept - how can these women who will soon be your sisters get a sense of who you are after only meeting you once or twice? It's a weird, yet straight forward answer. Once you know, you know. Better yet, once they know, they know.
Picture this: You walk into a room for the first time and you feel as if you belong somewhere, you meet girls who are so similar to you it's scary, and most importantly you meet girls who stand for everything you stand for: self-respect, endless love, and positivity. It's one thing to call yourself a member of an organization, but it's even better when you can call yourself a sister to more than 100 women. These women are some of the most inspiring people I know - they intern at big TV studios, they are doing research at well-known hospitals, they are giving back to their community, they are persuading others to go after what they want, and more importantly they are so supportive. Recruitment was tiring and bid day was a mixture of emotions as we waited patiently to open our envelope, but it truly was such a special moment for all of us in the room.
Contrastingly, as an active member going through recruitment, it's a different feeling. This time, you're surrounded by the people who made college a thousand times better and you're so confident with who you are. Even better, you're meeting so many potential new members who are feeling just as you were a year ago. They are nervous, but excited - and you can't help but feel excited for them. In just a few days, these women will find an organization that fits them so perfectly. It will change them for the better. It's so hard to explain this into words, but I'll try my best with a few quotes from some awesome sisters in my chapter (Pi Beta Phi at NYU).
"Going through recruitment is one of the best things I have very done. It was my first year here at NYU and I decided to give it a try. I wasn't as open-minded to the thought of Greek life here at NYU as I should have been, but I'm so glad I gave it my best. This process gave me friends of a lifetime: girls I can grab coffee with, girls who will study with me, and girls who will lay low on a Friday night to watch a movie and pig out on popcorn. I may have complained about being in heels for 24 hours, but I can't imagine being anywhere else this past weekend. Pi Beta Phi has given me nothing but love. It's weird to realize it's my turn to find a little - where has time gone?"
"You hear it all the time. Rush guys. No really, do it. It seems cliche to say that you'll meet your best friends, but you really really really do. You are a part of something greater than yourself. I didn't rush my Freshman year and it's safe to say that my freshman year wasn't the best. I just couldn't find my right crowd and it felt as if everyone else had already found one. With this in mind, I thought about other schools options, but I decided to stay another year. Thank goodness I did. Recruitment made me realize how lucky I was to be in the city that never sleeps. I can't thank Pi Beta Phi enough for showing me how to be the best me possible."
"Hm, Pi Beta Phi has given me wings. Very cheesy. I know, but it's so true. I honestly feel like I can conquer anything with these women by my side. It's weird to be on this side of recruitment now because the experience is truly so different. I can promise everyone this: No matter what side of recruitment you are on, nerves are everywhere. I felt like my stomach was about to explode on the first day, but I made it - and I met some amazing people along the way."
There you have it: Multiple perspectives on recruitment. Personally, it has changed my life for the better. People worry about how much time it takes up, but it truly is up to you. Aside from some mandatory meetings, what you put in is what you get out of it. To me, this is more than an organization, it's a family. Cheers to my sisters of Pi Beta Phi - I love y'all tons and tons - thanks for making NYU beyond amazing. "Stay phlawless" :')