Who Is Danielle Bregoli To The Black Community?
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Who Is Danielle Bregoli To The Black Community?

"Cash me outside. How Bout Dah?' is more than a phrase

Who Is Danielle Bregoli To The Black Community?
Hollywood Gossip

Danielle Bregoli is a 13-year-old known for coining the phrase "Catch me outside. How Bout Dah?" on the Dr. Phil show. On the show, she can be seen disrespecting her mother and other adults on the show. Her behavior can be seen as loud, obnoxious, ghetto and rude. These traits are often given to black women as stereotypes. You can see at least one woman on most tv shows or movies who perpetuates these stereotypes like Lashawna from Total Drama Island, Nicki Parker from The Parkers, Dijonay Jones from The Proud Family and the list goes on. Characters like this easily could fool any person into thinking that all black women act like this and serve as enablers for labeling black women as such. The problem arises when Daniel Bregoli receives money, endorsements and mass attention. She is seen in a positive light for behavior that is demeaned when they are displayed by black women. This is a problem for the black community in the following ways; her behavior will be seen as the fault of black culture, she's profiting off of something that's demonized on black women and she is only worsening the stereotype placed on black people.

Primarily Danielle Bregoli's behavior is looked at as urban, ghetto and aggressive which can be associated with the black community in America. These traits are so deep rooted within the black community that people see her and think that she picked up that attitude from the hood or projects No one sees her and thinks that her actions come from the Asian community or Caucasian community. Due to the preexisting stereotypes that black people are labeled, all persons outside of this race who display this ignorance will be connected to the black community. That's exactly what's happening.

Additionally, she is making a lot of money off of her personality. There is no problem in that. Millions of celebrities have done the same thing. The only problem arises when a caucasian female is making money off of things that are seen as negative when they are on a black female. For example, the Kylie Jenner braid is seen as cool and hip to people all over the world but it's seen as typical, ghetto and ratchet for black women to wear the same braided hairstyle. I'm confused because I where braids every day and never profited off it. Another example is when white people used to paint their faces black and act like the everyday African American on tv. This form of entertainment was seen as funny, light hearted and acceptable. It sends a message that I can imitate you, and profit of off it even though I ridicule you about this trait. This phenomenon is called Culture Appropriation where one culture can receive praise for behaviors that are seen as repulsive on another culture. Culture appropriation usually leads to financial gain for Caucasians Americans and Daniel Bregoli is in the same position.

Lastly, Danielle Bregoli's whole image is going to worsen the stereotypes given to black women. The image of the average Caucasian is not going to change because of Danielle Bregoli. The reason why is because Caucasians have been represented positively throughout media for years. Minorities are the groups of people who have been misrepresented time and time again. Any little extra negative attention will worsen the preexisting stereotypes making them harder to get rid of. As a human being, you have a right to act the way you want but there are still consequences to your actions. Since she is displaying ignorance and aggression, she is associated with urban culture. Since she is associated with urban culture her ignorance and aggression is at the fault of urban culture. Now that its the fault of urban culture, it intensifies the negative images that are given to people in the black community.

With that said, "STOP FUNDING HER!" All of this attention is making her all of this money. African Americans especially need to stop endorsing her and giving her a spotlight. This means, no radio interivews (Big Boi), no music videos (Kodak Black), and please dont give this girl a reality show. Shes aggravating stereotypes that are given to us and profiting from it. She can do whatever she wants in the public eye and make money and minorites do not have that power. People in the black community are going to add to their own misfortune if they continue to support this girl. I don't hate Danielle Bregoli. She is just a misguided teen with (In my opinion)bad parents who needs more professional help but it does not change the fact that she makes things harder for me as a black woman to iradicate the negative stereotypes given to the black community. Its especially sad because there other teenagers graduating college at her age or building new inventions and go unnoticed because people are too busy trying to see who she is going to catch outside. The only way to iliminate her from the public eye and end her fifteen minutes of fame is to stop giving her likes, followers, views, friend requests, retweets and so on.

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