What Does A Millennial Have To Say About A Trump Presidency?
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What Does A Millennial Have To Say About A Trump Presidency?

Taking the next plane to Canada — Peace!

What Does A Millennial Have To Say About A Trump Presidency?
Gage Skidmore / Flickr

We could have had the first female president in the United States, instead, we have what is sure to be the last male president. Just imagine the progress we would have made: women were once considered no more than housewives. We could have just witnessed a woman become president, the highest honor in American government. It would have been history.

Now a racist man who incites violence, has no political experience, and brags about grabbing females by the pussy will become the president of the United States — what a change of events.

I fear for the children that must grow up under a Donald Trump presidency. What is their future going to look like? Is this the type of leader we want our children to look up to? What do our kids have to look forward to?

The thing I can’t understand is what people were thinking when they voted for Trump. Did they think he was qualified for the job? 50 million Americans felt the need to vote for a racist/ misogynist/ homophobe; I am petrified of what this says about the future of America. Do they not care about Hispanics, gays, blacks, immigrants, transgender, or Muslims? Hatred towards these groups of people will only heighten under a Trump presidency.

Two months from now, Donald Trump will walk into the White House and be handed over the codes to the nuclear weapons. He will be handed over the codes to the nuclear weapons! I hope he uses his billionaire status to buy everyone buys a bullet-proof vest because world war three is right around the corner.

240 years ago this nation was founded and built on the hard work of immigrants. Within eight weeks, Trump will try to remove the people who helped make this nation great. What are these honest hard-working people supposed to do? All the work it took them to try and assimilate to American culture is going to be thrown out the window.

At one point, Americans enslaved African-Americans and considered them second-class citizens. Yet in the last eight years, Americans elected a black president not once but twice. Who would’ve thought that the African-American community can make so much progress in America?

As a millennial, it is my duty to speak out against this injustice that is happening right before our eyes. It is sad to think that we believed in America. We were taking small steps in a positive direction for the country. We believed in how the process works. But the system failed us by electing a monster like Donald Trump.

That is how a lot of millennials are reacting to the news of a Donald Trump presidency. However, as a millennial, I am proud to say that I do not agree with their opinion of the future president of America, Donald J. Trump. Instead, I believe that America is witnessing history — an outsider came into the political world, shook up the corrupt Democratic and Republican party, and beat all the politicians at their own dirty game.

To me, as a senior in college, my biggest concern is what my economic future will look like and the only way I can be excited about the future is if someone is willing to shake up the broken system we currently have. No popular leader will ever change this system because being popular means taking money from special interest’s groups that block all meaningful progress. This is how politics works.

The president of the last eight years has had no success growing the economy because he has been too worried about his public persona. In 2008, he talked big about change, but he didn’t deliver it. Instead, he was too busy going to Wizards games, hosting Super Bowl winners and getting the approval of hip-hop figures. Yet under a black president, J. Cole went on Letterman and said, “No disrespect in terms of change, but I haven’t seen any.”

The African-American community is so desperate for significant change, but Obama has done nothing to better their lives. My heart breaks for this community and I can understand why they are upset with a Trump victory. Every day on campus I see a divide between a predominantly white Greek-life and minorities. There may not be violence, but I can still see the hostility. However, the change this community so desperately needs can only be delivered someone that is willing to say “fuck you” to the establishment.

Trump’s controversy, which causes so many millennials to deem him an unfit president, makes him the biggest threat to shaking up the broken system. The whole election process he was targeted by the media and portrayed as something he is not because he made the establishment uncomfortable. And what did he do? He spoke at several rallies a day going back to the America tradition of hard work and he overcame a biased media, who all predicted that he would get crushed in the election.

To illegal immigrants, I know it must be hard dealing with a presidency that is jeopardizing your future in America, but there has to be a fair process. There is no reason that you should be complaining when you are going to college for free and my mom, an American citizen, and I, an American citizen, will have to be paying off student-loan debt.

To Muslims, Trump is NOT against your religion. He acknowledges that there is extremism known as Radical Islam and wants to do his best to keep Americans safe.

To women, Trump has said unquestionably inappropriate things — I would never try justify such horrible statements. However, he raised a daughter that every woman could look up to as a model for women rights and empowerment.

A Trump victory is a victory for all the people in the United States that are pissed off with poor leadership and false promises made by politicians for years.

A Trump victory is a victory for all the people in the United States that are pissed with bad foreign policy and trade deals that have worsened American’s world standing.

A Trump victory is a victory for the middle-class who has seen no growth in the past 50 years while the gap between the rich and poor has drastically increased.

At first, I was hesitant to go public with my support of Donald Trump because I had no faith that America would allow such a controversial figure to become president. I was totally content with the fact that Trump shook up the Republican and caused the media to panic. However, I never would have dreamt of such a historic outcome. For years, Americans will be studying this election and how he overcame a corrupt media that aggressively tried to prevent the masses from thinking he was a legitimate candidate. But he stood up to them and represented the American people. He was not always popular but in the end, it turned out that his controversy is his best asset and our best hope of creating real change in America.

I am not trying to convince you that Donald Trump is a saint. However, I am telling you that if you want the change that was promised to everyone in 2008 and not delivered, then he is the right guy for the job. Over the next four years, I hope that Donald Trump delivers the change we desperately need and boosts an economy that has seen no growth. I hope that Trump supporters show love and compassion to everyone and not feel like they are better than anybody else. More importantly, I hope Trump uses his power to unite us in looking forward to a more prosperous America.


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