As soon as I started high school, I was ready to graduate. Luckily four years went by fast. I always had people telling me how high school wasn't the best four years of my life and that I'll never look back. For me that statement was somewhat true. I'm ending my sophomore year in college and I still find myself missing some things about high school. High school and college are so different. It makes me miss how simple my high school days truly were. I truly never thought I would miss anything about high school but I found myself missing more than I thought I would. Here are 10 things that i actually miss about high school.
1. There was no registering for "The Hunger Games"
...I mean classes.
2. No matter what time you got to school, you were guaranteed to have a spot in the parking lot
Even if it was the last spot, it was definitely better than parking all the way on the other side of campus
3. Spirit Week
Come on who doesn't miss freezing their ass off in the middle of February cause it's Toga Day!
4. Substitute Teachers
You knew as soon as you walked in and saw the sub that it was going to be a great day! (Gates Chili Students loved having Corner & Newman as their substitute).
5. Being in one building all day long
Although the halls of GC were 0 degrees I never had to bundle up to go outside to a different building.
6. Free textbooks
I hated the smelly, old, used texted books but I'm thankful I never had to spend $400 on an English textbook.
7. Cannoli Day
At my high school, we had Cannoli Day, the Italian club (which I was in) put it on twice a year every year. It was basically a national holiday for all of us.
8. Senior Lounge
An entire period of just relaxing on the couch, but mostly taking group photos in front of our senior wall.
9. Pep Rallies
It was tradition for the freshmen to yell "Spartans!" instead of spelling "S-P-A-R-T-A-N-S" and we always booed them. Plus we got to miss classes.
10. Senior Faculty Basketball Game
Another pep rally, another day to miss class. It was our last pep rally together as a senior class.