Welcome Folks, to the Trump Administration
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Welcome Folks, to the Trump Administration

Pence is the vice-president, Obama can't help us now - no more Mr. Nice President...sadly.

Welcome Folks, to the Trump Administration
ABC News

So, here we are. Barack Obama is officially out of the White House. Donald Trump, arguably a physical incarnation of Emperor Palpatine, is in. I've already discussed what is likely to happen under the Trump administration, and we all know how dramatically unqualified his cabinet nominations are. In his eight years, Barack Obama faced criticism that ranged from genuine questioning of policy to downright racist rants citing false news stories from sources like Brietbart or InfoWars (expect to hear a lot about those two “sources” over the next few years). Trump however is not allowed to be criticized because he is the President, or so says his brainwashed followers. Let us dig a bit deeper into all this and look at exactly who post-election Trump has been. And trust me, it's been anything but presidential if you read even just one tweet from his Twitter page.

Trump's Twitter was a major point of discussion in the election buildup. His most devout followers saw it as gospel, and whatever the media said was fake and made up to discredit their glorious leader. From going back to find instances where he said one thing then claimed her never did – such as the Obama birth certificate conspiracy – to denying that he was in any way wrong, Trump uses Twitter as a means of uninhibited conversation with his stormtroopers. Which is fine, we all have the right to free speech. But after winning the election, he continued on his angry, vile Twitter rants, saying any criticism was by “sore losers” and that he won the popular vote in a landslide, which is very much untrue. It should also be noted that Trump said after the 2012 election that the electoral college should be abolished, yet he praises it because he won. He has not attended, and does not plan to attend, any security briefings because he “has better sources.” His sources include Brietbart and InfoWars, which will either change a story to push their hateful agenda or even make up information to create a story. They ignore anything legitimate and fabricate stories that people believe. The Onion is more reliable than they are. Yet people do not wish to hear information in a press conference where Trump uses false information to accuse a news agency of being “fake news” (big talk coming from him) or via the major news networks. They trust a hateful man's hateful Twitter, and they still think calling for the cancellation of a comedy show because they parody Trump is presidential.

Let's not forget Trump's refusal to disapprove of white nationalists, the Ku Klux Klan, and the alt-right, or as they were once called, Nazis. Following his victory, a rally was held where, on video, people gave the Nazi salute and shouted “heil Trump! Heil Trump!” as if he was Hitler himself. And one cannot ignore the similarities between the two – using the middle class as a way to turn people against specific ethnic and religious groups and to gain power. Some claim that the KKK is no longer a hate group and just said who they supported in the election, or that the Klan was founded by Democrats in the 1800s so the Democrats are still racist. This would only be possible if one was to ignore party shifts and changes in ideals following the Civil War and up through World War II. The alt-right, a group that Trump supports and speaks highly of, is essentially Nazism: no more immigrants, kick anyone not white out of the nation, segregate groups that “may be dangerous,” remove women's rights and block any progress because it does not fit their views. In his inauguration speech, Trump said that we will “wipe [radical Islamic terrorism] off the face of the earth.” How does he plan to do that? Oh wait – a Muslim registry and state-sanctioned genocide of Muslims by any means necessary. And yet people claim he is not racist nor does he hate Muslims. Then why does he threaten to further villify them? Trump is a modern Hitler hiding behind a mask of patriotism.

And lastly, there are the cabinet choices. Steve Bannon, the founder of alt-right and contrary to many people's belief (apparently fact-checking is anti-American), fake news organization Brietbart, was selected to be chief strategist. Meanwhile, Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, a man who has business deals in Russia and awards given to him by dictator and war criminal Vladimir Putin, has been nominated for Secretary of State. A man who has business in foreign countries will be in charge of foreign affairs. Rick Perry wanted to abolish the Department of Education and Energy, until he was nominated for Secretary of Energy. I've seen Stranger Things too, but I don't want the energy department abolished because without it, we have no government aid in electricity. Yet somehow, people still worship these choices like Trump is the smartest man who ever lived. The Senate hearings have led to great comedy from our legislators, basically making them into giant, high-stakes roast sessions. Perhaps our Senate will block certain unqualified and dare I say dangerous people from taking over the cabinet.

The inauguration has happened. We all watched as Trump went onstage and gave a speech he obviously did not write. He claims to want to put America first, but it doesn't take a scientist to prove that he just wants to put his money first. He cares so little for the majority that he insults them on Twitter, calling them the “enemy.” He has said he will tell the people when America is great, and we will believe him. He wants to parade the military like the Third Reich. Ignore your party, ignore your own feelings. Look at what Trump has said objectively and question whether or not you really want this person running the free world. The White House website has been updated to suit Trump, and it removed the pages pertaining to climate change, civil rights and LGBTQ rights. Because apparently science and decent human rights doesn't matter in Trump's fact-free nation. Who needs facts and truth when our emperor will tell us what is right and wrong? Oh, how far we have fallen from the original ideals of our nation. He wants us all to be patriots, but blind patriotism only leads to dictatorships like Nazi Germany, North Korea, Russia, and everything in between. We can only stand back and watch the Trump presidency, even if it only lasts a few months. We must fight him when he wants to oppress and support him when, in that unlikely, small possibility, he has a good idea. I doubt we'll be on his side though.

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