Ways We Say "I Love You" Without Saying A Word
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Ways We Say "I Love You" Without Saying A Word

They do say that "actions speak louder than words…"

Ways We Say "I Love You" Without Saying A Word

With the loving spirit of the holiday season upon us, it’s not unusual to hear the oh-so familiar, mushy-gushy, three-word phrase “I love you” in the air. Between all the wedding proposals, food-filled annual family gatherings, and cozy days spent inside enjoying the warmth of your home, there's plenty of time and opportunity to remind those closest to you that you care about them and truly love them through those three little words that seem to hold so much significance and meaning in our society. However, have you ever wondered why we place so much emphasis on hearing and saying those three little words to those we care about?

To be perfectly frank, I think the phrase “I love you” is somewhat overused and (bear with me) a bit overrated. Don’t get me wrong, though: I’m not anti-love. I do believe that we all need to remind those close to us that we do truly love and care about them by saying "I love you" every so often. However, I also think that we place too much emphasis on saying and hearing those three little words and too little emphasis on recognizing other ways we receive and show love. We need to pay more attention to the variety of ways that we can say “I love you,” without letting any words cross our lips at all. Just think of that notable proverb you've probably heard over and over throughout your lifetime ﹣ the old “actions speak louder than words” expression? Let me tell you, whoever coined that classic catchphrase knew what he or she was talking about. So I’d like to bring to your attention twelve of the hundreds (probably thousands) of ways that we show our love for those closest to us, as well as the way others tell us they love us, without physically uttering the famous three little words, "I love you."

1. Hugs

Naturally, giving someone you love a hug is at the top of this list. Traditionally, hugs are exchanged between two people when they are saying hello or goodbye to one another. But there is no rule that hugs have to only be reserved for greetings and farewells, you know. Sometimes, a hug can make the world of difference, whether it lasts for two seconds or two minutes.

2. Helping out

Helping can mean a lot of things. Doing the dishes, folding the laundry, and taking out the trash are some of the ways you can help your significant other or parents to show them you love them. Even helping your friend study for her upcoming Chemistry exam is another amazing way to express how much you love her without uttering a word.

3. Showing support

This might mean attending your younger brother’s basketball tournament, even if his butt is permanently glued to the bench for the entire day. Perhaps you show your love for your older sister by attending the musical she’s involved in, even if it means suffering through the two hours worth of terrible acting.

4. Sharing

Sharing your own possessions with those you love is undoubtedly difficult to do, but it truly is an act of love. Sharing is an action that lets the other person know you trust them with your belongings and that you also care about them enough to let them use (or have) your things. Trust me, sharing is not just a grueling act for toddlers; no one is flawlessly talented when it comes to sharing.

5. Holding hands

Holding your girlfriend’s hand in your own, encasing it in your body heat as you two stroll along the street on a chilly afternoon may seem like a simple action, when in fact, it’s a guaranteed way to demonstrate your love for her. Holding someone’s hand is an action that can make another person feel wanted, protected, and most importantly, loved.

6. Smiling

Did you know the average person smiles about twenty times each day? Think about the people you smile around on a daily basis as well as the people that you find yourself smiling around the most. Sharing a smile with someone you love can not only express your love for them, but it can also brighten your own day, too.

7. Giving respect

Respecting someone you love is important in any type of relationship. If a person feels that you don’t respect them, they will have a hard time believing that you care about them. So if it means respecting (not necessarily agreeing with) your best friend’s religious beliefs or respecting your aunt’s political beliefs (even if they are different than your own), showing someone you respect them is key.

8. Being responsive to texts and calls

One of my friends once said that she knows a person is good if he/she is a “text me when you get home” type of person. I have to say, I think she’s onto something there. Be that person who answers your friends’ phone calls, even if they are at 1am, is a true sign of love. You never know; maybe hearing another human being's voice alone can be the difference between life and death. So I challenge you to be that person who answers the phone, or calls back as soon as you check your voicemail. Similarly, be a person who texts back promptly, even if you have to let them know that you can’t make it to that event. Being present, even electronically, is yet another way to say "I love you."

9. Massages

I think it would be pretty darn hard to find a human being out there who doesn’t appreciate a nice, relaxing massage from someone who loves them. If your significant other was on his/her feet all day, why not offer him/her a foot rub? Or if feet aren’t your style, you can’t go wrong with offering a loved one a relaxing back massage, complete with the mini karate-chops and all!

10. Giving presents

Now I’m not condoning buying other people’s love; however, once in awhile, it’s nice to get a present from those who are closest to you. Guys -- who says you need to have a reason to send your favorite lady some flowers, chocolates, and a card? Of course, remembering those you love on birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and other important dates are good ways to express your love for them, too.

11. Kissing

You knew this one was going to be on this list; I mean, you had to. Kisses are basically the universal, “poster-child” action for showing one's love for another. Giving your little brother a quick forehead kiss, pecking your father on the cheek, or leaning in for a steamy kiss with your significant other are definitely some ways to say “I love you” without whispering a single syllable.

12. Listening (and remembering)

Being present in a person’s life is naturally going to go hand-in-hand with demonstrating your love for him or her. Genuinely listening to what others have to say, whether it be about work or school, their political viewpoints, or what they plan on having for lunch that day, is undeniably important if you want them to know you love them. Remembering the words that leave their mouths is important, too. After all, don't we all want to know that the things we say are being heard?

In conclusion, I’d like to remind you that this list only includes a small collection of the endless array of ways to show others you love them, and ways others show their love for you. So, I hope now that you can walk away from this article with some appreciation for the ways your loved ones show you that they love you. Additionally, I hope you can walk away with a better understanding of what “I love you” truly means, and that saying “I love you” is not the only way you can show your loved ones how much you care and appreciate their presences in your life. Physically saying, “I love you,” is only one of the hundreds (probably thousands) of ways to tell someone “I love you.”

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