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7 Ways to Reset and Recharge After a Little Too Much Family Time

Doesn't matter how big, a family is a family.

7 Ways to Reset and Recharge After a Little Too Much Family Time
Mac Veh

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Everyone spends a little too much time with their families over the holidays, and it can be incredibly emotionally, mentally, and physically draining. Even though you love them so much, everyone is a little thankful for the alone time they get between events. If you can relate to that, and you need a break from the loud meals and constant political discussions, make sure you try one of these seven ways to recharge your body and brain after the holidays.

1. Lay In Your Bed 

I'd say about 99% of people love laying in their beds. If you are that 1%, this step isn't for you. Take an hour or two to yourself and step away from the family chaos and relax in your bed. Add an extra comforter or heated blanket for extra comfiness.

2. Go To A Coffee Shop

If you're like me, you love the taste of coffee and you're addicted to caffeine. A nice coffee can solve all ailments. If you're feeling sick, coffee. If you have a headache, coffee. If you can't sleep, coffee. [Okay, maybe not then.] But going to a coffee shop is actually one of the best things about being home. It's a place where there's just as much noise as your family gathering, but for some reason its calming. So, sit back and relax.

3. Watch A Movie

I don't know about you, but my family has a huge selection of DVDs with movies from every time period. If you want a nostalgic childhood animated movie, we have it! Basically, every type of genre you can think of, we have it. This makes it really fun to come home because there are always so many possibilities for how movie night will go. But be careful, you don't want to get sucked into a binging situation.

4. Catch Up With Friends

Seeing old friends is probably the best part about coming home for the holidays. There's so much to catch up on - who's dating who, meeting all the college friends, talking about majors, and grades, and future plans. But seeing old friends brings so many memories back for everyone, and I hope they're good.

5. Go Out To Dinner

Everyone loves a nice family dinner, but only eating ham and potatoes can be extremely tiring and boring. Spice up your diet by going out to dinner to a new restaurant or an old favorite. Bring along your best friends, old significant others, moms, dads, siblings, grandparents - ANYONE YOU WANT! Just get something you've been craving and make sure you have a nice time away from crazy.

6. Work

Working sucks so I'm not entirely sure why it's on this list. But! The benefits of working do not suck. Working is also a nice excuse to leave a family gathering early. So, pick up an extra shift, make some money, and then spend it on whatever you'd like.

7. Making Christmas Cookies

It's a CLASSIC! Taking the time to make and decorate Christmas cookies is a great way to destress and even make a dish for the next family meeting! There are literally thousands of recipes to choose from, so make sure you find one that's unique and fun and perfect for your family.

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