10 Ways To Be A Better College Roommate Without Feeling The Pressure To Be BFFs With Them | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways To Be A Better College Roommate Without Feeling The Pressure To Be BFFs With Them

Just because you live together doesn't mean you love each other...

10 Ways To Be A Better College Roommate Without Feeling The Pressure To Be BFFs With Them
Callie Fauntleroy

Whether you’re just meeting your roommate for the first time or returning from a much-needed break, here are a few tips on how to create a better environment in your dorm room.

1. Be conscientious of each other's sleeping hours.

YES, It can be irritating if your roommate wants the lights out at 9 p.m, but you're a night owl who watches Game of Thrones until 3 a.m...understand that their needs are different from yours. Put in some headphones & turn down the brightness on your laptop or head out into the hallway. An easy compromise.

2. It's okay to share.

Just as you learned in kindergarten, sharing is caring. If your roomie needs to borrow a cute outfit for a date or a soccer ball for a game of footie with the boys, help them out! Not only is sharing convenient, but it creates an appreciation between the two of you.

3. Put what you borrowed back where you found it.

How would you feel if your roommate borrowed your nice button down shirt and returned it wrinkled and stained? I would be very annoyed and would get petty. The easy way to avoid that conflict is to treat what you borrow from them with care! Wash and hang their clothes that you borrowed, or recharge their calculator that they let you use for your stats exam.

4. Be respectful of each other's space.

No matter how big or small your room may be, living in a room with someone else makes everything feel cramped. Be conscientious of where you put your stuff. Try not to throw your jacket on their chair or put wrappers on their desk just because your area is cluttered. Yes, you share the room, but it’s important to honor each other's personal space.

5. Don't expect to do everything together.

Maybe you and your roomie are two peas in a pod, but having space is crucial. Don’t be offended if she doesn’t invite you to dinner with her and her friend. You each need some time away from each other from time to time.

6. Take turns cleaning.

To those who don’t clean at all… do you know how many nasty bacterias are growing in your dorm room? Yuck. Time to find a vacuum! Don’t let one person do all the work, so make a cleaning schedule to prevent your room from being a complete pig sty.

7. Don't be afraid to talk if something isn't going right.

Maybe you’re triggered that your roommate calls his long-distance girlfriend every single night while you’re doing homework. Talk to him about it. If you don’t it will continue and he will never know that it was bothering you in the first place.

8. ASK before you have an overnight guest.

You might have a significant other, or a “friend” who for some reason enjoys spending the night crammed in a twin bed…that is OK, as long as you ask first. You don’t want to walk in with a guest unannounced & create an awkward situation.

9. Put yourself in their shoes.

Each individual lives a certain lifestyle and has quirks and pet peeves that you may not understand. Maybe your roommate is in ROTC and wakes up at 5:00 a.m. every morning, but has to set 5 alarms in order to get out of bed. Yes, it’s annoying, but imagine how hard it must be to get up that early. Be empathetic towards them.

10. Doing small acts of kindness.

There’s nothing like coming back from your 8 a.m to find that your roommate made your bed for you or when your roommate brings you coffee (with three espresso shots) while studying for your big exam. These small acts of kindness are what creates a true & respectful bond between roommates.

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