Waste Land Film Review
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Waste Land Film Review

Jardim Gramacho is better up close because you get to experience the human factor that the outsider cannot see.

Waste Land Film Review

Jardim Gramacho, the world’s largest garbage dump, appears to be the land of the unredeemable. It is the kingdom of the forgotten and unwanted, both for the deposited trash and the catadores who sift through it. As dismal as Fitzgerald’s valley of ashes, the catadores work through their “grotesque gardens” of garbage to pick out the recyclable items that others deemed unwanted (26). However, if one dares to enter their gardens and confront what is inside, he/she will discover a different picture than one notices with a bird’s eye. He/she will find life and humanity that permeates the stench of the trash. As Vik notes in the film, Jardim Gramacho is better up close because you get to experience the human factor that the outsider cannot see. No longer are they “men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air” (Fitzgerald 26). They are humans with electric personalities, fantastic dreams, impeccable intelligence, and captivating stories.

Hearing these catadores tell their stories and dreams challenged my thinking. Although I agree that each human life holds the same amount of value, I must admit that I have at times viewed myself as superior to those who are not educated and seem to not plan for the future. I am glad that Vik addressed this mentality when he stated, “Educated people really believe they are better than other people” (Waste Land). I subconsciously believed that I was superior, but this film showed me some of the most resilient, intelligent, and alive people exist in Jardim Gramacho. Their stories have revolutionized my thinking, and their portraits showed me the beauty they exude within their unfortunate circumstances.

Although many of the catadores’ stories touched me, I was most inspired by Tião’s experiences. His ambition and drive, even in the midst of his current circumstance, not only inspired me, but also bothered me. His leadership in forming an organization to represent the pickers and the projects that he fought for, such as integrating a sewage system, show his intelligence and drive. I cannot help but hear his story and think about how unfair it is that I am finding monetary success while he sifts through garbage. He is clearly more driven and motivated than I am, yet here I am and there he is, a catador that should be picked out of the garbage.

When Vik did take Tião out of the garbage for a while, along with other catadores, their collective artistic creations provided such a strong social commentary for both the outsider and the insider. They showed the humanity that exists amongst the garbage, and this inspired people like me who knew nothing about this garbage dump until they watched this film. However, it also inspired the catadores themselves. They were able to see themselves and their circumstances in a different light. They could see themselves as bigger than their marginalized jobs; they could see their immense strength. Watching each catador react to seeing his/her portrait and witnessing Tião’s reaction to seeing his portrait being sold moved me, and I knew Vik did something for these people that no dollar amount could ever accomplish.

Although I cannot directly interact with the people who appeared in this film, I can apply the lessons that I learned and treat every human with dignity. I can take the time to listen to others’ stories instead of writing off financially struggling people as lazy. Specifically, as a future educator, I can take the time to get to know my students instead of assuming that an incomplete homework assignment indicates a lack of motivation or disrespect. I can help my students see their own intelligence and strength, as Vik did for the catadores, by holding them to high standards and helping them reach those standards. I can help them believe in their own abilities and redeem their circumstances.

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