Walk Through Emerson
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Walk Through Emerson

A year in the life.

Walk Through Emerson
Madison Goldberg

Here I am, an incoming freshman, trading the Garden State for Beantown. The possibilities are endless-what should I expect? So, I turned to rising sophomores to learn about their experiences in their first year at Emerson College. I asked students of different majors to recount the best of times, the worst of times, and anything in between. A year in the life of an Emersonian, through different lenses.


Alessandra Guarneri

"I missed my family, friends, and my dog the most. However, I liked living in a dorm, because of the independence, and just because it was a new experience. At Emerson, I joined a sorority, which is something I would definitely have not expected. My favorite activity from my first year was definitely being a part of the Emerson Channel. My advice to an incoming freshman would be to try things you thought you would never try and always leave room to have fun!"

Alessandra Guarneri, a journalism major and New Jersey native, describes her first year as busy, because there was simply always something new happening.


Xi Gamma Nu Sorority

"I'd say I missed having my own room and the quietness the most. Nonetheless, I liked living with friends who I could just walk down the hall and talk to, but I also disliked how some people were messier than others. I joined a sorority, which I did not expect to happen. My favorite activity was being a part of the American Marketing Association, which was fun because we got to go on trips to places like New York. I would tell a freshman to get involved in extracurriculars that interest them, because it'll help structure their time and help them meet new people with a common interests."

Julianne Stein, a marketing major from Massachusetts, describes her freshman year at Emerson as eye-opening, because she met a variety of different people and learned to structure her time well.


Shadow Minds

"I missed my close friends the most, because it was definitely harder to build the same type of friendships than I thought it would be. I liked being near everyone from school when I lived in the dorm, but I didn't love the lack of privacy and individuality of the living spaces. I did enjoy working on different film sets throughout the year though, and living in the center of Boston is great, because it is beautiful, yet manageable. I'd tell a freshman to make sure to meet as many people as they can, and reach out and make connections."

Ben Cantle, a film production major (under the visual media arts umbrella) who grew up in the UK but relocated to Los Angeles seven years ago, describes his first year as exciting, because of the many new opportunities presented to him via the various film sets he worked on.


Samantha Wiener

"I missed my mom the most, but I really liked coming home to my close friend every day, it was just like living with family. I joined a sorority, which I did not think of when I first started the year. My favorite group to work with was called Jumpstart. It's a program that works with inner city low-income preschools. Freshmen don't need to be stressed if they feel like things aren't going the way that they planned, everything will work out eventually."

Samantha Wiener, a creative writing major who hails from Tallahassee, Florida, describes her freshman year as unexpected, because she joined many extracurriculars that she didn't initially think she would, making her first year a great opportunity for personal growth.


Marquelle Bell

"I felt that my hometown was more diverse, so I missed that. This was a major aspect that made my experience different from what I expected. However, one thing I liked about dorm life is decorating, and being in an area that's easily accessible to go to classes and clubs, like WECB, my favorite activity. Unfortunately, sometimes your housing isn't the best match. I would tell a freshman that I know their situation may not always be ideal, and they may wonder whether they are making the right decisions, but push through, make some friends, explore the area and find something to keep themselves occupied. They're where they are for a reason."

Marquelle Bell (left), a Writing for TV and Film Major (under the Visual Media Arts umbrella) from New Jersey, describes her experience as simply different, because she has never been placed in an environment quite like Emerson before.


Nikki McGovern

"I was so ready to leave Jersey and go to college. When I got home after the first three months, it felt good to sleep in my own bed, and I didn't realize how much I missed driving. Originally, I didn't want a city school, I wanted a big campus with a football team and school spirit and all that. But shockingly, I really like being at a city school, even though it was super out of my comfort zone. Plus, I can still go to a Harvard football game or a Red Sox game for only 10 dollars, so I'm really not missing out on that big campus dream. When it came to dorm living, one unexpected thing I learned was that you don't have to be best friends with all of your roommates--some of my best friends are three of my suite mates. My roommate is one of my best friends at Emerson, and I am thankful for that because she made adjusting to living with someone so much easier (I'm an only child, so dorm living was a big change because I grew up with no siblings.) However, dorm living can be hard, especially with seven other girls in a small space, so if your roommates are doing something that is affecting your well being or education, say something. I'm glad I became very active at Emerson. I'm eping an Emerson Channel show in the fall, I'm on the NBS board, and I'm a member of the Xi Gamma Nu sorority. My best advice to a freshman would be to find a community that they really enjoy--whether it's a TV show for the Emerson Channel, Quidditch, a sorority, or any of the lovely clubs Emerson has to offer. Just find something that they're passionate about and can be a part of, it will really enhance their experience."
Nikki McGovern, a film production major (under the visual media arts umbrella) from Berkely Heights, New Jersey, describes her first year as hectic, because she chose to become involved in a variety of clubs at Emerson, which she really enjoyed.

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