20 Things Soccer Girls Understand
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20 Things Soccer Girls Understand

Even if you don't play soccer, you'll probably still understand.

20 Things Soccer Girls Understand
Jennifer Gagnon

We've all been there, where you look down and see that amazing soccer tan and you're oddly satisfied. We all love soccer, despite the numerous times we've said, "I hate soccer." We've contemplated on skipping practice and not running those sprints because one teammate forgot their shin guards. Soccer has been there for us through thick and thin, and we all thank you for that. Thank you for leaving bruises on my body and making people think I get abused. Thank you for the awesome soccer tan that makes us ready for bikinis. Girls' soccer is so underrated, from U.S. National Soccer Team being underpaid from men's, to calling us weak and sissies. Thank you for pulling out the anger we never thought we had until a blind ref steps on the field. In conclusion thank you.

Here are 20 things soccer girls understand:

1. Soccer tan lines

You've never seen your legs this tan until you look up at your thighs. Your thighs are pasty white and match your calves. Forget a tanning bed, you'll end up getting those amazing tan lines again.

2. Chesting the ball can either make or break you.

Yes, chesting the ball is a way to settle the ball, but it hurts so badly. There is a fine line when you hit your chest, and you hit your boobs. Trust me, you'll know the difference.

3. Getting a soccer ball branded in your thigh.

Getting hit with a ball in the thigh is bad, but what's worse is when its 30 degrees outside. But you are super proud when it leaves a mark, and you just have to show the whole soccer team.

4. Jeans are made from hell.

F*** jeans. Yoga pants for the win.

5. Who needs a social life anyways?

"I can't, I have soccer" is your favorite and most used line.

6. Your jersey number does matter.

Yeah it's just a number, but it's your number, and it means the world to you.

7. Your women crush.

8. Girls are tougher than boys, proven fact.

9. Having prewrap everywhere.

You probably have prewrap to match every outfit. Don't be ashamed.

10. No matter the refs, they are always considered the worse refs ever.

11. Wearing spandex under dresses.

Believe me you've done it, once or twice, at least.

12. Random bruises.

Some how you're really proud of the bruises you get, and you show them to everyone.

13. Suicides

Enough said.....

14. The smell of your soccer bag will haunt you for the rest of your life.

"Is that cat pee or my soccer bag?"


15. You hate running…..but play a sport where you run approximately 7 miles a game.


16. The one player that sucks but plays more than you.

Do you hate the coach, or the player? Or yourself?


17. Away car rides.

Sometimes that's where the team comes together. You laugh, and joke around. Go out to eat, and dread the actual games.

18. Getting nutmegged.

19. Even when you decide to give up soccer, it's still part of your life.

20. The unconditionally support from your parents.

Yes, at first your parents may be annoying from cheering you on (or embarrassing you) to telling you stuff you did wrong after the game. But all together you are lucky to have their support from sitting in the freezing rain, to the blazing heat. Every once in a while you need to thank them for suffering and knowing that them coming to your games means the world to you.

Go soccer!

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