Vote America 2016
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Vote America 2016

One millennial refusing to base my vote on my emotions.

Vote America 2016

Every election year is highly controversial. It divides families, classmates, and friends. However, this year may be the most controversial within the last few decades. The media has used the general population and treated us like morons. They are undeniably biased.

For instance, mudslinging is sadly part of the campaign process, but this year most of the arguments have been about personal lives rather than platforms.

It's no secret I'm voting for Donald Trump. Please do me a favor and read the rest of the article because I've tried my best to research both sides thoroughly before writing this article. I don't vote blindly or emotionally. I research. This article is long, but I think the future of my country is worth the effort.

So, since the actual platforms are of both candidates are rarely discussed, here's a summation of what they each support.

Recently, a good friend of mine wanted to know how and why I could support Trump, so here it is:

1) EMOTION: As I said, I don't vote based on emotion. I don't condone nor will I defend Trump's language back in 2005. Just to make a point here, I am not the person I was 11 years ago. So if people can't change over a decade, why is Clinton's stance against homosexual marriage as recently as 2002 not valid. (Click the following link for the article for that topic.

2) CLINTON: There's a lot I could say about her, but people don't seem to care so I'll just hit some common sense points. Firstly, when asked why they are voting for women, women overwhelming said they're voting based on her gender. That video can be found at the end of this paragraph. How is voting based on gender any different than voting because of race? Man or woman if you vote based on gender your sexist. I for one would be embarrassed for my sex if the best we can offer is Hillary Clinton.

Also, as a sidenote, Putin doesn't care if you think he is soulless, he cares for mutual respect as leaders.

While the nuclear response time window is somewhat known, but hardly "well known" as many people defend, it wasn't necessary information to reiterate during a national program. The 30,000+ emails are real representations of treason though. The defense for this would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Most of her supporters say the F.B.I. found her innocent so it's all okay. That is not true. The head of the F.B.I. James B. Comey was far from claiming her innocence. He said there was no proof that she intentionally deleted or dispelled the confidential emails. No proof being the operative phrase, so she's just incompetent? That's a much better argument, and a blatant disregard for Section 793 which includes "losing defense information." However, hypocrisy ruled when Bryan H. Nishimura was arrested for violating that Section in the same fashion as Hillary. (yay for equality!)

3) OBAMACARE: Speaking of being above the law, for everyone singing the Obamas' praises, just so you know, this "law" is illegal. Congress/the government, in general, cannot make a law which applies to the population with the acceptance of themselves. Not only is illegal, but according to Harvard ObamaCare is NOT working. Now, those who couldn't afford insurance still can't afford it, but they have to come up with the annual fee for not being able to afford it. The Democratic Party isn't doing so great when it comes to insurance. Because of Bernie Sanders and Obama the military benefits promised to recruits is slowly being stripped away. From a personal perspective, I have recently lost my beneficiary insurance under my dad's veteran benefits. The age has been reduced to 23 rather than 26, and that's just the beginning. Our veterans sacrifice everything, and now their benefits are being stripped based on convenience.

4) BENGHAZI: The biggest argument I hear about voting for Clinton is because she has a heart, and Republicans do not. I'm calling bull. She is utilizing the military for her own agenda, like a true politician, and as a military friend and daughter I despise that. Clinton is known to be directly responsible for four men’s deaths, and there have been a lot of “suicides” in her camp later. Trump may be a misogynist, but I don’t vote based on my feelings, and I will take mean over murderer any day. Mean or crude, if this is true, can be overcome. Blatant disregard for people is a repeating pattern for the Clintons. I recently heard a comment about Benghazi-defending Hillary. The person stated that the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, former Navy SEALS and active CIA Operatives Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and lastly Information Officer Sean Smith were their own faults. That somehow the government is not responsible for their safety while in Benghazi. Really? Unfortunately, this is a person of voting age.

5) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Everyone is freaking out over the ominous Trump wall. Border barriers are prevalent throughout the world in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Cleaning up the immigration system is also not a racist move. Immigrants who came legally may have waited anywhere from a year to multiple decades to become an American citizen. Much of this is due to illegal immigrants mucking up the system. The key word is ILLEGAL although laws seem to be more of guidelines these days. We are at war, so the usual social politeness should be dismissed before national security. Clinton has actually threatened religious freedom against Christians. Many people are dismissive of it because, as a college student, Christians are constantly under scrutiny in the collegiate system. Clinton has said, "religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" while also having the audacity to push the need to enforce laws. She keeps using the word "tolerance" but I don't think she knows what that means. I actually had a professor dramatically state that if we vote for Trump we support a Holocaust for the Muslims and homosexuals. Yeah, because comparing Trump to Hitler is not dramatic at all. He did this by calling a class with a 90% female members a profane, derogatory word with euphemistic ties. Sounds a bit like what Trump said to me.

6) ABORTION AND HOMOSEXUALITY: I could write an entire article on these two topics, and may even do so in the future. Firstly, a popular view in our society is that disagreement equals hate. I disagree with both abortion and homosexuality. This doesn't mean that all of my friends at school are straight or pro-life. We disagree, but still have the capability to treat one another with basic human decency. We even laugh together. Imagine that. For those in defense of late-term abortion discussed in the last debate, this article is an interesting read: With the legalization of same-sex marriage, it is not a conspiracy to predict that it is just a matter of time before pastors are imprisoned for refusing to marry two same-sex individuals. Just look at the big bakery case, you know where an individual business with the right to refuse service to anyone was sued for trying to do just that.

Because these beliefs are based on the Bible, and not just hate I'll site a verse for each although there are numerous references for each in the Bible.

Abortion: Psalm 139:13-16, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Homosexuality: Romans 1:26-28, “26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

FINAL THOUGHTS: Our generation has been taught to cry "racist" whenever someone offends (a fancy word for hurting our feelings) us. While bigotry is still prevalent, it doesn't apply to one race or ethnicity. It is completely possible and is happening for someone to be racist against white people. This is taught in college. I spent a year feeling apologetic that my Native America, Irish, and German blood mixed to make a peaches and cream or Caucasian complexion. Not anymore. Our generation doesn't know what it means to fight for freedom, we don't know true racism as a society in whole, but we are breeding hate.

Newsflash for every millennial out there. The world survived twenty to thirty years ago before you were ever born. You should never stop trying to make it better, but do so with the humility that you are not the center of the world.

For Christians, this may very well be the big it. Clinton has already said she wishes to install a one world government which is predicted in Revelation 13. My personal view is that just because it's going to happen doesn't mean I'm going to give up my fighting spirit. Pray for the journalists (WikiLeaks) who still have integrity, they're few in number and dwindling every day. Vote the Bible, no matter what. There is only one candidate who's platform lines up with the Bible: Donald Trump.





Final Thoughts)

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