It's often a tradition for college students to go on an epic beach trip over spring break. I, however, will be staying home. It's not that I don't want to go to the beach (trust me - I DO), it's just that it's expensive, I don't really have anyone to go with, and quite frankly, I've missed my home! I've missed my bed, I've missed being able to walk around in the ugliest clothes I have without anyone there to judge me, I've missed my friends, and I've really missed my dog. I don't necessarily see it as not having an epic spring break, I'll just be having my fun in a place that's a little more average than one would expect for a vacation. Regardless of where you'll be this vacation season, here are a few things you're sure to experience!
Some Awesome Food
One of the greatest things about vacation is you get to eat food that you don't normally have every single day. You get to take a break from cafeteria food and get something at an exotic new restaurant or a guilty pleasure from the freezer section. Either way, it feels good to treat yourself.
The PERFECT look
Every vacation has its own set of outfits. Some you spend weeks preparing, some you pull out of your drawer praying that it's a match (and knowing you'll wear it even if it's not).
Whether it's in the sand or in the backyard, everyone loves to soak up some rays.
Getting to Watch Cuties Strut By
When a solid 10 in a swimsuit walks past, it's natural to stare a little. You're entitled to look, but you can't touch. When your adorable dog walks past, on the other hand, you can scoop them right up and snuggle!
Late Night Adventures
Staying up until the wee hours of the morning is great if you're doing something fun. Maybe it's making memories with your friends, maybe it's getting through another season of the show you're binge watching. Either way, it's definitely worth being tired the next day!
Finding Treasures
Stumbling across something unexpected is always exciting! Seashells make awesome souvenirs, and getting a couple of extra dollars from around the house can make you feel rich (well, it will if you're in college).
Beautiful Memories
Besides a break from reality, vacations give you something else very special: memories. No matter where you went, you'll always be able to reminisce about the wonderful times you had on your vacation.
Be sure to enjoy your vacation time, wherever it may be!