A Film Analysis of 'Unplanned,' A Voice For The Pro-Life Movement
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A Film Analysis of 'Unplanned,' A Voice For The Pro-Life Movement

"What she saw changed everything."

A Film Analysis of 'Unplanned,' A Voice For The Pro-Life Movement

Released in March of 2019, the movie Unplanned is the story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life activist. This movie is the first Pureflix movie to be rated R by the MPAA, a movie production company known for producing wholesome and Christian-based movies. (Which is awkward, considering the film doesn't contain any nudity, drugs/alcohol, sex, profanity, etc.... unless the MPAA is acknowledging abortion is murder... Something is truly wrong if a 15-year-old is old enough to kill her baby in this nation but not old enough to watch a film that will teach her the truth about it.)

This controversial film took movie theatres by storm all across America bringing attention to Abby Johnson's ministry, "And Then There Were None," that attempts to get individuals out of their jobs at Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, performing 330,000 abortions annually. That's one every 97 seconds.

This movie can be difficult to watch at times, but it's a story that needs to be shared. I encourage you to continue reading as I dissect it.

From a Scientific perspective: The main thing that the anti-life movement argument hinges on is when life begins. According to The American College of Pediatricians, as well as Patten's Foundations of Embryology, Essentials of Human Embryology and Medical Embryology, (three trusted textbooks backed and acknowledged by science) and the entire National Association for the Advancement of Preborn Children, life begins at the moment of conception.

It is proven when the sperm and egg meet, an entirely new and different cell comes into existence. This fact alone destroys the entire anti-life argument, considering their main point is that the fetus isn't a life yet, unable to feel pain or possess intrinsic value. This simple fact also dismantles their standpoint that it is the woman's body, she can do whatever she pleases with it, commonly phrased "my body my choice."

When the scientific truth is actually acknowledged, you're forced to accept a fetus is the unique, individual life of another human developing within her uterus the second conception occurs.

Cinematic evidence: Abby Johnson realizes the scientific lie Planned Parenthood had been feeding her at a pivotal scene in the film. It is shown once at the very beginning, within minutes of the movie starting, and once towards the end, after Abby has seen what really takes place during an abortion during her time working for Planned Parenthood.

Abby is helping the abortion doctor with an ultrasound when she witnesses the baby being killed and actively try to move away from the instrument attempting to take its life. She realizes the baby can, in fact, feel pain. Science tells us this is true as early as 8 weeks in the womb.

From a religious perspective: When it comes to religion, no matter which one you identify with or call your own, moral correctness and displaying goodness towards others is a religious backbone. The movie 'Unplanned' does a good job of displaying Christians in this light consistently all throughout the movie. Although some of the protesters were harsh in their words, the Christians never behaved in this way and I do think that's an accurate representation of the Church.

Religion, Christianity in particular, goes hand in hand with being pro-life. Not only is that articulated in this film, but it is also articulated by the Church outside of this film, and that's definitely something the creators of this movie want the general population to see and understand. Religious people are not monsters, they are simply trying to uphold their beliefs.

If you claim to be religious, an aspect of humanity that focuses on the soul, how can you be for something that rips away the souls of the youngest and most innocent members of society?

Cinematic evidence: In the film After Abby Johnson leaves Planned Parenthood, Shawn and his wife Marilisa accept her without judgment and with no questions asked. The pro-life movement is about converting people in a loving way, and this movie does a thorough job of displaying the compassion of this movement. They continue to help Abby as they helped other former Planned Parenthood workers find new jobs, and helped Abby feel as little guilt as possible. They even help her win her court case when Planned Parenthood tried to sue Abby for wrongful discharge of company information (sounds like PP has something to hide, yet again).

From a Cultural perspective: Life is the backbone of our culture and our world. Without life, where does society even begin, what's its value? If our society as a whole dehumanizes and devalues its most innocent and defenseless members, what does that say about the value we place on human life? It says we don't care about it at all. It says we don't believe women are capable. It says we don't think every baby deserves a chance. It justifies killing and tells people they are too weak and desperate to become parents. It dismisses the reality that actions have consequences, good and bad.

Abortion preys on the weak and it breaks down our culture. 65% of post-abortive women have PTSD. We need a culture centered on healing each other, not breaking each other.

Cinematic evidence: In the film, Abby values her daughter from the very start. She loves her and cares for her, and ends up having even more children after converting to the pro-life cause. She feels guilt and remorse after viewing her abortion ultrasound for the two abortions she had early on in her life, understanding that they were people, they were fully her children. She even ties roses onto the Planned Parenthood fence in honor of them after the clinic shuts down. This demonstrates the innate value of human life that begins at conception and is ingrained in our culture whether we realize it or not.

No one shares that they're expecting a clump of cells that they might violently tear from their body if they change their mind later. People share they're expecting a baby. They post their ultrasound. They guess which parent it will look like.


From my personal perspective: As a pro-lifer and a Christian, I was deeply moved by this film and its ability to tell the unbiased, absolute truth. I find people are mostly offended by Abby Johnson's story simply because they disagree with it. People can't argue Abby's personal experience as a lie because she lived it. It's her story to tell and it is overflowing with facts and personal experience. She worked for PP for crying out loud.

The anti-life movement is full of loud arguing and accusations, but the pro-life movement wants exactly what Shawn Carney and the 40 Days For Life peaceful protesters want, changed hearts, changed minds, and saved lives. Society is quick to judge and label the pro-life movement, and I'm truly hoping this movie changes the outlook people have on pro-life people. We are compassionate and accepting, and I'm glad this movie displayed us as such.

If you've had an abortion, we don't want you to be judged, we want you to be healed. If you are pro-choice, we don' want you to be argumentative, we want you to have an open mind and listening hearts.

We want you to hear the compassion of our stance.

As a Christian, I also am thrilled that this movie included a religious perspective, all while remaining reasonably subtle. Yes, there was praying and the mentioning of Christianity, but this is America, Christianity is everywhere, 77% of the US population identifies as such.

I believe that Christianity is inherently pro-life. The Bible tells us we are made in God's image, and that He knit us together in our mother's wombs. (Psalm 139) I find it impossible to identify with Christ and also support the killing of his image-bearing children. When it comes to being a Christian, God asks for all of you, your whole life, and that includes speaking up for His most precious and vulnerable creation, the unborn child. Planned or unplanned, they are the apple of His eye. If you truly believe in the sovereignty of God, how can anything be unplanned to Him? It isn't. He is all knowing and works ALL things together for His good.

That's the cool thing about life. It's the most unique and valuable gift we'll ever receive. So value and cherish it. Don't end it.

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