Are you ready to switch some things up in your life? With the new year finally here, there's no better time to start than now! Here are some unique New Year's Resolutions, perfect for anyone looking to make 2018 memorable!
1. Learn a new skill-- teach yourself to swallow fire!
2. Meet new people-- create a photo album on Facebook of every stranger you see in 2018!
3. Try out a new religious practice-- give up your job for Lent!
4. Get your hands dirty-- reassemble all your household appliances!
5. Out with the old-- hold a funeral for all the "friends" you never talk to from high school!

6. Get crafty-- email Martha Stewart on how to decorate your jail cell!
7. Connect with old colleagues-- at your next dentist appointment, attempt a full conversation as they clean your teeth!
8. Promote love-- become a marriage official, specifically for polygamy relationships in Utah!
9. Challenge yourself-- make Paula Deen's most elaborate holiday meal in 30 minutes!
10. Take a chance-- catfish your high school principal!

11. Get to know your mom-- sink your monthly cycles!
12. Do your loved ones a favor-- sign your significant other up for Weight Watchers!

13. Help the old relive their past-- take your grandma to the bars!

14. Get in touch with your creative side-- make a YouTube channel for a one-woman sitcom!
15. Throwback to the "good ol' days"-- use puberty as your excuse for missing work!

16. Inform the public-- tell everyone in a crowded restaurant what animal they're eating!

17. Help the elders feel safe-- give them a bracelet from the Dollar Store, but tell them it's a Life-Alert!
18. Understand other's struggles-- act as Hellen Keller for a week!

19. Revamp your education-- add your new major, "Mrs.", to your LinkedIn account!

20. Give to your community-- volunteer at a high security jail!
21. Renovate your space-- buy an ice sculpture replica of Harambe!
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