I Don't Give A Damn 'Bout My Bad Reputation: Five Foods Currently Getting a Bad Rep In The Fitness World
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I Don't Give A Damn 'Bout My Bad Reputation: Five Foods Currently Getting a Bad Rep In The Fitness World

It's a whole new kind of fat-shaming.

I Don't Give A Damn 'Bout My Bad Reputation: Five Foods Currently Getting a Bad Rep In The Fitness World
Bodhi Fitness Center

The past decade or so has shifted society’s view on what’s attractive. Skinny was in, but now the acceptance of many body types is becoming the standard (albeit, slowly but surely). Girls now have female athletes like Serena Williams, Gina Carano, Hope Solo, and Rhonda Rousey who prove that strong is beautiful. We also have the likes of Ashley Graham, who became the first plus-size model to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated, in the 2016 swimsuit issue, proving that being curvy doesn’t mean “less worthy.”

More than anything, the trend of our time is the “healthy body,” and with 90’s fashion terms like “heroin chic,” I think we can all agree it’s about time. However, the focus on “healthy” also means a steady flow of false information on what exactly is healthy floating around the internet. Corporations are always looking to make a buck, and the food industry is no different. So, with that said, I want to set the record straight on some foods that are getting an undeserved bad reputation.

1. Eggs

Eggs got their bad reputation from health conscience people scared of the cholesterol found in the yolk. However, it has been proven that saturated (bad) fat is more to blame for bad cholesterol levels rather than just eating foods containing cholesterol.

Eggs are actually loaded with nutrients including vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin A, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B5, vitamin E, folate, potassium, and choline. Further, eggs are a great source of the 9 essential amino acids required by the body to survive. If that still hasn't convinced you, people who consistently include eggs in their diets gain less weight as they age. At just 77 calories for a large egg, eat up everyone!

2. Potatoes

And by potatoes, I mean the white ones. Sweet potatoes have somehow escaped the rumor mill, but every other potato is on most health-conscience people's "Do Not Eat" list... and wrongly so. Potatoes get a bad rep from how they are usually prepared (think butter, cheese, sour cream, oil), but there are a million ways to prepare potatoes that won't bust the calorie bank. For one, I love french fries (who doesn't).

To cut out the calories, I thinly slice homemade fries, place on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray, sprinkle with seasoning salt and spritz of cooking oil, and bake. They are delicious! I also frequently have a baked potato with dinner... I just use a small red potato instead of a huge Idaho potato and light sour cream instead of full fat. Additionally, potatoes are a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber to keep your belly flat. So, go ahead and enjoy the spuds (in moderation)!

3. Avocados

I think people are coming around to this one, but I still feel the need to sing their praises. Avocados are delicious, filling, and versatile. However, they are high in calories and fat which is a turn off to a lot of people. However, an avocado a day can go a long way. Avocados have more potassium than bananas and contain almost every other nutrient you can think of. As for the fat, avocados are full of the “good” unsaturated fats that actually lower cholesterol levels. I personally love a fresh sliced avocado with my morning eggs.

4. Pasta

I know what you’re thinking, “Pasta?! She’s lost her damned mind!” Pasta is the classic diet boogey man, and most people trying to live a healthy lifestyle can’t get past the calories and carbs that come with pasta to see the benefits of pasta. First of all, calories aren’t bad. You need calories to live so please stop fearing them. Second of all, carbs equal energy, and everything is easier in life when you have the energy to conquer it.

I’m by no means saying you should have a calorie-laden fried chicken tender alfredo every night of the week, but a whole-wheat pasta dish covered in homemade red sauce, loaded with spinach, complimented with some seared sirloin tips, and topped with some fresh basil is a perfectly great meal option. Are you going to consume some calories? Yep! Will your body thank you? Yep. In fact, calorie cycling is looking to be the most effective way to beat weight-loss plateaus, and I can personally vouch for being able to lose weight and still eat pasta. So, next time you have a grueling workout, indulge yourself in a healthy recovery meal.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol abuse is definitely a real thing but so is food abuse, as we can see by the weight epidemic facing America today. Studies have proven time and time again that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol regularly improves pretty much all aspects of your health. For me, I LOVE a nice glass of wine before bed. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a crazy day worrying about papers, tests, and the future.

I’m one of those people who turns off the lights for bed and then contemplates how to survive the impending zombie apocalypse (elaborate tree house settlements… unless we are talking World War Z like zombies… in that case, just kill me) in jarring detail until 3 a.m. rolls around. However, a glass of wine before bed relaxes me enough to realize I can sleep soundly knowing I’ve already devised an airtight zombie apocalypse plan. So, with that, cheers to your health!

What I hope you take from this article is that food should not be feared... especially anything natural and unprocessed. Although some foods (like Publix white birthday cake sold by the slice, swoon) are obvious splurge foods, I think the key to a happy, healthy life is moderation. Love yourself through nutrition... but if you also love ice cream, have a dang ice cream once in awhile. A McDonald's vanilla cone is only 147 calories, and that’s hardly going to ruin your healthy lifestyle.

Your goal should simply be to make more healthy decisions than unhealthy ones. If you are trying to lose some weight (Me, me, me!), start slowly and make changes that you can keep for the rest of your life. As for exercise, everyone needs it. That being said, if you hate running, don’t run. I personally love swimming, so I classify swimming as fun instead of another chore on the to-do list. I seek out chances to do laps in the pool, but I’ll make up any excuse under the sun to get out of a jog. Life should bring you peace and happiness, and that means something different for everyone. Find your peace and happiness, and live your definition of a healthy life.

And for the record, sitting on the couch binge eating every night is not that definition. Living in a healthy body is always better.
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