I Unfollowed People On Social Media So I Could Love Myself Again
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Unfollowing People On Social Media Freed Me From The Comparison Game So I Could Love Myself Again

Getting rid of the celebrities and "perfect" girls changed the way I felt about myself.

Unfollowing People On Social Media Freed Me From The Comparison Game So I Could Love Myself Again

Life. It sure is a huge rollercoaster. It has highs and lows, sudden adrenaline rush drops and sighs of relief when you finally get off and are walking back on land. It is in no way simple, but as a generation, we have been learned to think life is "easy" and we can get whatever we want whenever we like. Especially when it comes to what is on the outside and what is on the inside. So, no matter what life throws at you, you can count on there being a lot more curveballs and strikeouts than home runs. However growing up, we learn to love the ride as much as possible. We learn to embrace it and jump right back on the roller coaster any chance we can get. This is exactly how I got my "happy" and "confident" self back.

From a very young age, you soon learn "you can't always get what you want." It stinks sometimes. However, what fun would it be if everything in the world went exactly the way we wanted it to without any repercussions? God intended us to live and learn and grow. He knew we would have to face many trials and tribulations here on Earth, but we would also receive many blessings. To that, I say AMEN! Growing up I was so confused by the concept of "free will" and what God meant when He spoke that. Not to mention, my parents found it unacceptable to break rules or lose our faith in Christ and living for Him. So no, I am not picture perfect as most people would think from social media. We all put on a front of only the very best parts of us on social media and leave out the tough times. To that, I say "let's just stop trying to convince each other we are perfect, let's just live."

Life never has been perfect. If you think your life is perfect, then maybe you're reading the wrong post. My friend, let me assure you that perfection is the totally wrong adjective to describe how life is. It's tough and confusing, and most of the time I find myself praying in my head that God can lead me through one situation to the next with as much faith and grace as He shows. But I still fail.

I am not perfect. Neither are you. But for some reason, we find it really important to make life seem perfect on social media. Why? Why do we care what random followers think of us? I can count on my hands the number of people I think about before posting a picture. The worst part though, I still have low confidence and horrible self-esteem even when I post my "best" picture because I always realize I'm not like other girls. But let me let you in on a secret: no one soul in this life has a "perfect" life. You heard me, nobody. If they think they do, they are not fooling anyone but themselves.

So I read a lot of articles about the "Comparison Game" and studied the ideas that God has planned not only for me and my life but us all. The book mentioned unfollowing any profile that made you feel unhappy or insecure when you look at it. Remove it from your timeline. Believe it or not, only having good friends and family on your timeline to celebrate and communicate with when you're online is one of the most life-changing experiences.

So what are you waiting for? If social media makes you play the comparison game, get off of it. Let's face it, we won't all look like the BBG girls after their workouts. I like ice cream a bit too much for that, but it does not matter because I am still 100% happy with where I stand and know the value God places on me daily. He does not compare me to a soul, but instead, He calls me to live better and to do better. I encourage you to start somewhere. Unfollow the ridiculously beautiful girl that you don't even know. When you see her in a bikini and then think about how you'll never look like her, click the unfollow button. Then enjoy your ice cream and enjoy being a child of the One True King. He calls you to be better on the inside than the outside, in fact, outward appearances should be the least of our worries. But welcome to the 21st century where Instagram has taken over the world and all we do is scroll and look at famous people.

Start the trend. Unfollow and move along. Remind yourself of your worth and why you are here to begin with. Trust me, it has absolutely nothing to do with what part of the rollercoaster you are on, that my friend is just the "ride" we are on and it's a fast one. So buckle up, take this life and live it the best you can. I promise, you were made for and are worth so, so, so much more than 100 likes on a picture.

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