12. "IDGAF" - Dua Lipa. | The Odyssey Online
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21 Songs That'll Give You An IDGAF Attitude When That F*!@boy Slides Into Your DMs... Again

Gotta stick to those "New Rules," and remember you're a badass bitch who doesn't need his BS.

21 Songs That'll Give You An IDGAF Attitude When That F*!@boy Slides Into Your DMs... Again

I'm picturing your innocent self right now. Sat on your couch watching re-runs of 'Friends' and 'New Girl' with not a care in the world. You're loving yourself and killing the game of what we call "Life." Everything seems perfect. So what could ruin this moment, you ask?

*Cue your screen lighting up*

There he is, your silent killer. He hits you with a random message that goes a little like, "I miss you," to the infamous, "Sup girl?"

If you're anything like me, this message will send you into a spiral of confusion about why on earth he is reaching out to you... AGAIN. What more could he possibly have to say after he kept disappearing on you? You contemplate responding or leaving it and may even ask a friend. Yet all they can say is DO NOT RESPOND. But, as most of us do, we think they deserve our attention, even if they completely ghosted us back in your honeymoon phase.

BUT, before you reply to this childish boy who left you dazed and confused, I beg of you to listen to these next 21 songs, and figure out if you REALLY need his useless weight in your life again #YoureWelcome:

1. ''New Rules'' - Dua Lipa.

2. "Sorry Not Sorry" - Demi Lovato

3. "That's My Girl" - Fifth Harmony.

4. "Attention" - Charlie Puth.

5. "Same Old Love" - Selena Gomez.

6. "Over Now" - Post Malone.

7. "When it Rains it Pours" - Luke Combs.

8. "I Don't F@$# With You" - Big Sean.

9. "Loyal" - Chris Brown.

10. "FU" - Miley Cyrus.

11. "Bodak Yellow" - Cardi B.

12. "IDGAF" - Dua Lipa.

13. "do re mi" - Black Bear.

14. "Wedding Crashers" - Aminé.

15. "Gibberish" MAX.

16. "Drunk Girls Don't Cry" - Marren Morris.

17. "You Broke Up With Me" - Walker Hayes.

18. "LA La La" - Naughty Boy (Feat. Sam Smith).

19. "Nothing But Trouble" - Lil Wayne (Feat. Charlie Puth).

20. "Playinwitme" - KYLE (Feat. Kehlani).

21. "Woman" - Kesha.

Now, do you honestly want him back in your life? Thought not.

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