These individuals excel in their studies, fueled by both natural intelligence and hard work. From the ambitious Entrepreneur to the talented Theatre Person, each student on this list embodies a unique aspect of college life and showcases the diverse interests and passions found on campus.
The Academic
Also known as "the nerd." This stereotype still sort of exists in college; it’s just harder to spot. This person genuinely likes school and they are good at it because they’re naturally smart and they put in that work.
The “Prepster”
Still can’t decide if they want to work for Vineyard Vines, J. Crew, or Lily Pulizter when they graduate. They summer in Nantucket probably, and always look really put together.
The Theatre Person
Hobbies include acting, singing, dancing, making large hand motions and talking loudly and clearly. Their next show will apparently be the best show yet, and you can’t deny their talent.
The Entrepreneur
They kick-started the business club last year, are planning to move to New York to start work right after school, and they secretly want to be in “The Wolf of Wall Street.”
The Eco Rep
Always asking if you’re going to recycle that napkin, and gets frustrated when people put a compost item in the regular trash. #motherearth
The Athlete
Their sport takes up a lot of their time, but they love it. Always tryna improve their game and you’re a little jealous because they’re in incredible shape.
The Bio-chem Major
They’ve got big plans for the future that may include scrubs, lab coats and hospitals. Also, they either love or hate their organic chemistry class.
The Party-er
You honestly wonder how they have the time to go out the way they do, but you’re impressed and admire them a little... OK, a lot.
The Great Debater
They probably did well in Sociology 101 and know how to argue a point. They’re persuasive, witty, and like controversial topics.
The English Major
Still stuck in the library trying to finish a book that may or may not be for class. Always quoting some story or article they just read, and won’t admit it but they actually like reading and editing your papers.
The RA
Usually a super responsible and organized person–I mean, they're in charge of keeping up a good bulletin board and catching people in the wrong. People have mixed feelings about the RA, but they mean well. And they just want you to show up to the floor meeting.
The Art Major
They are amazing at drawing things and are super creative. But they’re always running off to the studio to paint/draw/sculpt.